
erica G.
on 10/17/06 9:20 am
Hi everyone, I am in the begining stages of my weight loss journey. My insurance requires that I have a doctors referral, I'm not sure what to tell my doctor, do I just come out and say I found a WLS doctor and I need a referral????? If any one has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you all.. Eric@
K B (Tucson)
on 10/17/06 10:22 am - Tucson, AZ
By all means be assertive and flat out tell the doc what you want. This is your body ans your life. Be prepared to support your request with information about obesity, health risks and information specific to the wls you seek. Many docs know very little about wls and you may need to be his/her "teacher" in this respect. Be prepared to tell the doc about ALL the wl strategies you have used in the past and why they have not worked. Then be prepared to look for another PCP if yours will not support your decision. Good luck.
on 10/17/06 10:42 am
Hi Erica When I approached my DR for a referral I also took with me a list of the health problems I was having as a result of my weight. I explained the way the weight effected me mentally. I added my fears of dying young, heart attacks etc, and I pointed out health problems that were common in my family and how my weight increased my chances of having the same problems. Just make sure you mention all of the reasons this surgery is the option for you. Let them know how many times you have tried to lose and what programs you have tried. Good Luck Erica. It's a journey I have never regretted taking. Claudette
on 10/17/06 11:55 am - chandler, AZ
I agree with the others, be assertive, honest and have a plan of action. If you doctor don't support you decision then replace him/her. Good Luck on your journey, Lamont
on 10/17/06 12:41 pm - Layton, UT
Erica! He works for YOU!!!! It's your body. Your health. Your future! Be kind but spell it all out and let him know what your surgeon AND your insurance requires. Don't hesitate to tell him that you'll be going to one of the zillion other docs who are very supportive of patient's health and their choice for weight loss surgery. By the way....some things that "he" could include are the "why's" that losing weight would improve your health. Have him list any co-morbidities that you may currently have and how losing weight can/will improve those conditions. Have him include how you will benefit and that he has known you XXXX amount of years and that you have tried diligently to lose weight on your own and/or with his help and counsel. Good luck! Joyce
on 10/17/06 12:43 pm - Layton, UT
P.S. I actually wrote a letter for my pcp. He revised it a bit and printed it on his letterhead and that was that...... Joyce
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