Last visit with my old PCP....

on 10/10/06 6:11 am - PHOENIX, AZ
I called to cancel my last appointment with my old PCP, and he asked why, and I explained I didn't feel comfortable with the way he was treating my obesity, and he's like, you need to come and talk this over with me. I was like, I've so over being overweight, and I'm tired of talking about it, I just want to do something about it. My new thyroid meds haven't made a difference in how I feel, or my weight, so he wants to change my meds and try something new. I'm tired of medication, I'm tired of the side effects, I'm tired of the cost every month. I have decided to keep my last appointment as a gift to myself of letting him know how I feel about everything and trying to educate him on the problems of obesity. I'm not sure if my explanation will make a difference to him, but all I can do is try. Thanks to everyone who gave me names for a new PCP, I appreciate all the help and support I've received on this board. You all are amazing people, and I'm glad to be a part of this WLS family. Wish me luck (or better yet, wish my Dr. luck, he's gonna need it!) Alli
on 10/10/06 8:40 am
Good Luck ! You know you just might help him to become a better doctor ! By educating him on a few things. You should invite him to attend on of Dr Blackstones Seminars - maybe he can be more supportive to his patients in the future. what doctor did you decide to go to ?
on 10/10/06 10:52 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Well the last visit didn't go as I expected it. He is totally against WLS, but if that's what I really want, then he says he will support me. Well thanks, but no thanks. He also thinks I'm depressed and wants to put me on medication for that. Is it not possible that the 115+ extra pounds that I'm carrying around might have something to do with my demeanor?!?!?! I'm not depressed, I'M MORBIDLY OBESE!!!! He kills me!!!! I'm mad that I wasted a co-pay on this visit. I have decided to go with Dr. Connie Abarikwu, Nicole and Linda both had very positive feedback on her, and she's right down the road from me. On another note, I am trying to get approved through SBC and go with Dr. Blackstone because I liked her the best, but it's been heck trying to get anything done through that office......Anyways, I can only go forward, and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life, and I will make it a great day.... Alli
Kathy S.
on 10/10/06 1:19 pm - PHX, AZ
Alli, The copay didn't help you but you promoted the cause of other patients who are morbidly obese. I gave up my PCP right before my surgery.......I'd have a respiratory infection and he wanted to talk about my weight. He'd tell me to lose weight but never showed me how. Now that I'm down about 100 pounds we'll see what he says! The decision to do this surgery is a "rest of your life" decision. Congratulations! Kathy
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