Counting the weeks...

Nicole W.
on 9/28/06 4:44 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
I have 4 more weeks until my surgery... I cannot wait! I am getting more and more anxious. I go to my pre-op class on Wednesday and then meet with Dr. Blackstone on the 12th! I have been able to keep off 10 of my 18lbs that need to lose, so I have another 8 to lose... just joined curves and got my butt moving more... taking the steps at work, parking further away, eating right. Now, I wish the time would just speed up! How did you all do it?
Melissa P
on 9/29/06 12:47 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hey Nicole, I am so excited for you. It is getting really close. Do they require you lose the weight now? I know that they suggested it when I had surgery but did not require it. They said that they were going to change it at sometime and require it. Are you going to support group on Monday night? I am looking forward to our scrap book night next Saturday. It should be a lot of fun. Everyone goes through the same emotions. being anxious is perfectly normal. You have my number if you need anything or just want to talk, give me a call. Melissa
Nicole W.
on 9/29/06 2:46 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Melissa, I am not sure if the weight loss is required but it was suggested when I went for my initial consultation. I guess I will find out when I go next week. I am wondering if they are still charging the support package fee... I heard they weren't but I don't want to call either and remind them! I won't be able to go to the support meeting this Monday... but I will be going on the Wednesday. (I have to work Monday and too many people are off that day) What day are you going? But, I will definately see you next Saturday! ~Nicole
on 9/29/06 6:05 am - Avondale, AZ
Hi Melissa I asked about the $1000.00 support fee and they said that they are no longer charging for that!! Yeah!! My surgery is about a month after yours (November 21st). Cathy
Melissa P
on 9/29/06 4:35 am - Phoenix, AZ
Yes, I am planning on going on Monday. I will try to attend Wednesdays also. See you on Saturday. Is anyone else from OH coming to the scrap book night? My friend Chris who is three years post op is coming. Thanks! Melissa
Nicole W.
on 9/30/06 4:39 am - Cave Creek, AZ
If you can come on Wednesday that would be good... because I know my nerves will start kicking in then! Katie and Ayaunna from here were invited... but not sure if they are coming yet. But I still have room for a few more people. It should be fun... I am going to start working on my weight loss scrapbook/journal that night!
on 9/30/06 5:54 pm - Cave Creek, AZ
Hey Nicole and fellow Blackstone patients!! Haven't been on in awhile but reminds me I need to call the scrapbooking place and make a reservation!!!! What do I bring, photos? Never been before, sounds fun! Start my Blackstone appts. this month, my surgery is 11/8, have to get motivated. Have given up sodas (big for me), no straws or gum too. Now, finding it hard to not drink with meals and start with protein, I usually have things all mixed up together! Good for you Nicole on getting off 10! I need 15 off. I will be at Monday and the Wednesday support groups with everyone!! Hope I see you there!! Anyone else nervous that they'll sabatoge the surgery? Wonder even in the beginning if that could be done? Take good care, Katie
on 10/1/06 12:19 am - phoenix, AZ
Hi Nicole, It's Sunday morning and 6 days after my lap band and down 7lbs. I am still a bit sore, but I seem to be able to eat anything I have tried. Meatloaf, eggs, mashed potatoes, yogurt, jello, tuna fish, cream of wheat, oatmeal. I will be back to work on Wednesday, so look for me! Am very excited for your surgery. Let me know if you need anything. Melodie
Nicole W.
on 10/1/06 7:22 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Whoo Hoo Mel!!!!
Nicole W.
on 10/1/06 7:21 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Katie! When do you go to your Pre-op class? Mine is this Wednesday... 7:45am. I to have pretty much given up Diet Coke and stayed away from Carbs... been doing pretty well with eating right. Been drinking about 90oz of water a day. I also joined Curves... and I am liking it. As for the scrapbook event... make sure you call to reserve your spot. Bring your photos... if you don't have any scrapbook supplies, send me an email and I will let you know some of the basic stuff you will need to buy to get started with. We have majority of the stuff at the store, but some things you can get cheaper at Joann's or Michael's with coupon, like sisscors. I am glad you can come!!
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