Important Lesson About Nutrition

on 9/25/06 11:25 pm - Green Valley(5/24/05 Lap RnY), AZ
To all of you out there who might think that it will be OK to "skip" your vitamins for a day or so - let my experience teach you otherwise. I am 16 months out, and below both my surgeon's goal and my own. I have been holding steady since late April at 127 - 128 and a size 6. My surgeon put me on sublingual B complex in May - not because I was low at that time, but to prevent any problems as I was "trending down". I have faithfully taken it ever since. I ran out of the drops last Thursday, and did not think to buy some on Friday. I also blew it off on Saturday and Sunday. I did not think too much about it until yesterday. I felt lousy. My ears were ringing. I felt half nauseated. Had no energy. Could not concentrate. I basically felt crummy. I checked my blood pressure - no change there. I reviewed my water / protein intake - all good. Then it dawned on me - I had not had the B complex since Thursday morning. I stopped at WalMart on the way home, bought the B complex and took it in the parking lot. By the time I got home (I have a long drive) and out of my work clothes, I was feeling better and within 2 hours I was back to normal. Lesson - if your doc tells you to take specific vitamins, take them. Don't think you can get away with skipping them, or blow off your nutrition requirements, even for a day, or like me, you will pay a high price. Mom Bear
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