on 8/27/06 4:12 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Everyone, I've been seeing and reading a lot about hair loss after WLS lately and its kind of freaked me out. Has anyone experienced this? Did your hair grow back? Is there anyway to prevent this or minimize the hair loss? ANY help is appreciated!! Thank you!
on 8/27/06 7:14 am - Phoenix, AZ
I have been reading the posts about hair loss, too. I don't get the feeling that it happens to every person, but it seems like the number of people it does affect is pretty high. Someone on the boards said to use Biotin, so I went out & bought Biotin 2500 from GNC. I have started taking it, though my surgery is 1 month out. Plus, I have been obsessing about finding food and drink that are palatable and high enough in protein (75 mg recommended) per day post op. (I understand it's protein deficiency that causes the hair loss to begin with.) From what I read on the boards & in articles through Google searches, the hair loss actually happens 7-8 months after surgery, and it does grow back. Especially hard hit are women who have thinner hair anyway. But, there are places out there that specialize in hair weaves for women with thin hair . (Do a search of Great Lengths Hair Extensions on Google - there seem to be stylists all over the place who are trained to use the system.) If hair loss starts to be a problem for me (and I do have thinner hair to start with) I will do the extensions thing, even if it's just for a few months... What bothers me is that it's got to be expensive & I would like to save my money for plastic surgery in case I need it on my arms or thighs...
on 8/27/06 8:36 am
I was on the ATKINS diet for a long time, I lost weight but after about 8 months of low carbs and fat, I lost a TON of my hair, I was so bald on the top-front of my head I had to spray it with that head spray they advertise for balding men! I did research on the low carb/fat diets and they warn of hair loss. I had very high protein, that's all the ATKINS diet really was. Before I tell you about extensions, I want to say - ALL MY HAIR GREW BACK after about 6-8 months. The other thing I want to tell you is, the head spray that colors your scalp - IT ISN'****ERPROOF!! I have FUNNNNNY (not funny at the time) stories about that stupid stuff running onto my forhead during the heat, swimming, etc. I own a Day Spa & Salon, we have a hair extension specialist. They start at about $1000.00 and go up for a complete head of extensions, less money for partials. The problems I hear the customers complain about are the weight of the extensions on their actual hair pull & itch, you can't comb your hair with a real brush - you use an extension brush, and you can't run your fingers through your hair or even touch your hair without feeling all the little globs of wax that hold the extensions in place. On the other hand, we have woman the absolutely LOVE their extensions, they get them redone every few months (you have to move them up the hair strand as the hair grows out) or they have them re-attached when they fall out. They don't care about the trouble the extensions cause, they love having long, full hair. I don't want to talk you in or out of extensions. I want you to be completely aware of what they are and how they work, people come in all the time thinking they will walk out 8 hours (it takes that long to do a full head) later with more hair, no hassle.
on 8/27/06 11:47 am - Phoenix, AZ
Where is your day spa? Do you offer discounts for OH members?
on 8/27/06 12:47 pm
YOU BETCHA!! I'll send you an email
on 8/27/06 2:46 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Nicole W.
on 8/27/06 8:33 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Hi Ayaunna, The last support group I went to at SBC, Randy the nurse explained the hair loss questions.... She explained that it usually happens around 6-7 months. That on a average human being when we take in food, our body stores lots of extra nutrients and vitamins for extra things like hair and nail and that is based on food intake. So after we have the surgery our food intake drastically changes so our body starts using the "reserves" and once we are out of those extra nutrients, the hair begins to thin or fall out. We see this happening with people who have anorexia and bulimic, because they too are not getting the nurishment they once were. Just the way she explained it, made me go... "Ahhh... now, I understand" She also said she never saw a patient come in completely bald, maybe some thinning or noticing alot more hair falling out. And it depends on the person... some people lose or it thins out their hair, some don't. A friend of mine at work, her hair thinned out a great deal... to where she wore a wig because she had very light blonde hair... but it grew back completely and she looks great! They say that you lose 100 hairs a day on a daily basis anyway (I know that for sure, you should see my combs and brushes!) I am not looking forward to this part of the post-op process because I love my hair... it is my security blanket, but most likely I am going to cut my hair off prior to surgery or post-op and do a mini-makeover.
Sheryl Tilley
on 8/27/06 4:58 pm - Prescott, AZ
i lost very little hair -- didn't clump out -- just single strands. Not noticeable. Just take in your protein and take your vitamins and you should be fine. There is a shampoo sold in the Wal-Mart beauty salons that start with an N that is good for hair loss and is about $16 a bottle. Sheryl
on 8/27/06 5:57 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Sheryl - What's the name of the shampoo, if you don't mind... And, I talked to my friend who just had WLS four months ago - His surgeon was Dr. Juarez and he has nothing but GREAT things to say about the Doc!!!
Melissa P
on 8/28/06 2:55 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Ayaunna, I am 4 1/2 months out and I am currently losing hair. The doctor told me that it is because all of your protein, is going to your vital organs like your heart and lungs. Your hair is just not getting it right now. She said that it is very important to get your protein and that about seven months out you should start some regrowth. I am a little freaked out about it also. But I would rather my heart lungs be healthy than have my thick hair. Melissa
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