Top 10 worst foods?

Nerd Lover
on 8/24/06 10:06 am
Hi everyone~ I was just wanting to know from everyone, what was your top 10 worst foods you've eaten since surgery? What I mean is...what would you never eat again because it caused weight gain or prolems? I wanna learn from the verterans lol. Christy
Sandy in Tucson
on 8/24/06 10:39 am - Tucson, AZ
It is different for everyone. If i do not chew well or I over eat, no matter what it is...I am sick. Everyone is different. I still get sick at near 22 months out.
on 8/24/06 3:55 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Christy, I have discovered quite a few foods that make me sick. I had the gastric bypass/roux en y done in 1985-before any celebrity. Back then the eating habits were so different...believe it or not I was told diet soda was okay and too eat lots of carbs to fill the pouch..needless to say...I did as I was told and my opening grew to two inches(supposed to be the size of a pencil eraser)...I just had the lap band done onto the large opening on april 4,2006-have dropped 59.5 lbs and feel great. I have a really hard time with any type of poultry...chicken or turkey are really tough. When my I eat too fast or do not chew chew(which is hard..have been having a lot of dental work/temporary crowns etc.) I will get sick. The band will swell and will stay swollen for a day or two...I know my limitations. Just stick with what the doc tells you post op and try little bits at a time. I have developed a "food aversion"...once got sick on fish and now do not want to even try have to get over that phobia. Good luck with will do great. Loved your profile...those psych tests are a hoot aren't they...I was so nervous I would circle the wrong answer or skip a question and Fail? take care..Stacey
on 8/25/06 12:23 am - mesa, AZ
I can only tell my top 3 1. Eggs 2. chicken 3. Crystal light - too sweet But since your going to be a lap- bander you may not have the same food issue's, Just ask Joyce & Christine in the office - they will give you some Idea's of what it will be like for you.
on 8/25/06 5:36 am - flagstaff, AZ
I dont do crystal light (or fruit 2o) full strength for the same reason, its just too much. I water it way down. (At least two to three times the amount of water for crystal light and at least one bottle of water to every bottle of Fruit2O) I had my surgery 3 weeks ago. I have tried chicken every way imaginable and it is just not going to happen (perhaps later on, but right now its not my friend) grapes are not my friend, neither are bananas. I've horked more of my food up in the last week than I have managed to keep down, but I just keep trying.
on 8/25/06 8:53 pm - Mesa, AZ
Ok the only thing now that there is NO WAY possible is one of my favorite... SF red licorice. Someone warned me about it b/c I LOVED it before surgery and now OMG do I get sick! The other thing I found was SF klondike bars. I can eat sf just about anything with no problem these are my exceptions. The other thng thing is i have become lactose intolerant. I loved cereal and now I will eat it here or there but dry and it is stuff like cheerios (which I hated prior to surgery). Your tastes will change and it is simply trial and error in the beginning for eveyone. Good Luck
(deactivated member)
on 8/26/06 2:06 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Chicken Fish Ground Meat Steak Hot dogs Chips Crackers Bread Soda Pasta Any of the above mentioned makes me S I C K !
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