Chuggin along to my approval!

Nerd Lover
on 8/23/06 9:16 am
Hi everyone, I just found you guys on here today. I've been on this thing a million times and I guess I just never played around until today. My name is Christy, I am from Bagdad, AZ. I am still in my approval process for lapband surgery and am hoping to have that by next month (God willing). I am excited to see so many Arizona people, seemed all the people on here were East coasters! Any words of wisdom for a newbie? Hit me up, I'd love to hear from ya!
on 8/24/06 4:31 am - AZ
Christy..Well Congrats to you! I'm almost to my 1 year out in September. It is amazing how time flys by! I got your other response. Do they even have a support group down here? Ya I know a couple of people that have WLS down here as well, and all seem to be doing great! I have Not had 1 complication Thank God! I can say that it is very hard, and if you need anything I will help in anyway I can! recovery was the hardest for me. Lots of people go through a depression stage, almost like mourning the loss of food. I know it sounds crazy but at 1 point I wish that I had my old stomcah back.. Not now tho! have you shopped for vitamins and such? how about proteins? I can give you some pointers on all of that! Well again Congrats to you, Best of luck and just think you will be a loser soon! Hugs Tara
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