Circle Aug 22nd, next Tuesday's Chandler Support Mtg.

on 8/17/06 1:12 pm - Layton, UT
Almost 4 years ago; I had the most amazing event happen.....Yup! It was my Weight Loss Surgery! .....Because of my surgery, I have accomplished many things that I would not have been able to had I remained gigantuous and unhealthy. Along the way, I've had disappointments, struggles, set-backs as well and they are so easy to wallow in and put at the forefront of my thought process! But, rarely, do I take the time to really celebrate the changes and the accomplishments. This coming Tuesday is the time! You've got a few days to think about your "amazing" changes and accomplishments. Set the negative aside and change your thoughts to positive reflection. Come to support group prepared to bare it all and share it all and do some happy dancing, some high fives, some back flips (dress appropriately *winks*) and truly recognize your success!!!! I have amazing friends, an amazing job, and incredibly great health because of my WLS....but I don't want to spill all my good beans at once! LOL! So, to give you a head prepared on Tuesday to fill in this blank...... I never would have been able to __________________without weight loss surgery! Or because I have had weight loss surgery, I have been able to____________________________!!! Everyone will be able to share at least ONE so prioritize your list! .....There will not be any "lesson", handout, or prepared dialogue this round; just some honest sharing and celebrating! And....because it is Dawn's last meeting (sloppy tears rolling down my face as I snuffle through this part )......she will be posting the restaurant choice for Tuesday. Of course she should get to choose, don't you think? Details for newbies: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006 6-7:30 p.m. in the basement of the Chandler Regional Hospital, Conference rooms 1 and 2 Located on Frye and Dobson, enter from the East Main entrance and take the elevators down to the rooms. Follow the signs! This support group is for everyone who is thinking about WLS, has had any type of WLS and for their support person if they wish to invite one. I'm looking forward to seeing EVERYONE there! "Research suggests that an individual's immune function drops when there is an absence of positive relationships in their lives." Your Support Group meeting can help you develop some positive relationships through a sharing of experiences! Joyce
on 8/17/06 4:34 pm - Phoenix, AZ
JOYCE-- I am located in North Phoenix & have lived in the are for 2 years but have no clue of where Chandler is at? How far is it from I17N & Bell Rd? I was thinking about coming if it isnt too far. I really need some additional support as I really don't know anyone here in PHX whose had WLS. Thanks again~ Carrie
on 8/18/06 1:39 am - Layton, UT
Carrie, Chandler is a world away from your home. But.....I don't work that far from you and make the drive almost twice every day! So, it can be done! LOL! Plan on at least an hour in traffic to get to the meeting. Grab a friend and take the carpool lanes and you'll zip right over. Take the 101 all the way in to Chandler Blvd or take the 17 to Tucson, to the 10 East (through the middle of town), take the 60 East to Mesa and then the 101 south to Chandler. Exit on Chandler Blvd - left or East. Turn right or south on Dobson. You'll see the hospital at the next major intersection at Frye and can turn left at that light onto Frye to turn immediately right into the hospital parking lot. Park on the East side by the E.R. Side and enter from the East Main Entrance. Cross the lobby and take the elevators on the right to the lower level. Turn left towards the pharmacy and an immediate right to conference rooms 1 and 2. We're worth it! *winks* Joyce
on 8/17/06 11:56 pm - page, AZ
Hi Joyce, Your group sounds like fun! If I only lived closer. Are you the leader of the group? if so, how do you start a group? We dont have anything like it in Page and I would like to get something going. I know of several people who are thinking about WLS and a few that are post op. Do you have dues? Do you have special guest speakers? How do you decide on the agenda? I know I would love to attend some type of support group. Thanks... Sally
on 8/18/06 1:33 am - Layton, UT
Sally, 1. Get commitments from at least 3 other's for help with the start-up. This is a volunteer effort and you need to have a life. That means possible illness, trips, etc. and you will need to rotate the meetings. 2. Select day and time options and then write to several locations with your request for a room. Be sure and emphasize that it is a "FREE support group for health/surgery". Hospitals are more likely to let you have a free/regular room if it is open to everyone at no cost and if it is a medical support group. Hospitals are the best choice since they are consistent with their free set-up and schedule as far ahead as a year to 2 years. 3. Once you have secured your date and place, then set up your yahoo support site. It's very easy and has pop up choices as you make your selections. No need for a computer degree to get set. Just be sure that your support site name reflects your area for distinguishing characterisits. [email protected] or something like that. 4. Advertise!!!!!! When we first set up the Chandler group, we made flyers and took them to doc offices, we got a little "free" neighborhood blip in the local newspaper. I was interviewed by a couple of papers as a result which was fun and spread the word even more. Flood the support boards with the information. Call the surgeon's programs that many of the Page folks participate with and ask them if they can share your support group information. Make sure they understand that all types of surgeries and programs will be welcome and that you will NOT push any specific program. 5. Set up the first few months or at least year with a rotation to facilitate between yourself and the other 2 or 3 committed members and just substitute between yourselves as needed. As you become friendly with new members and can trust them with your group then you can invite them to facilitate. After a while, you can send a sighn-up sheet around and have people sign up for a date and a topic. 6. Format of meeting----This takes some tweaking but after starting up 4 different support groups; I've found the most liked format by most is to have a meeting of 1 1/2 hours. Have introductions be short sometimes with just name, weight loss and surgeon/surgery type. Other times, make the introductionis BE the focus of the meeting by giving them a topic or question to answer "with" their introductions. LIke, what is your exercise program? If you don't have one then what are you goals in that area?....or anything similar.....It promotes sharing and bonding. After introductions then the facilitator can give a very short motivational message with possibly a handout, samples, display, etc. and then leave at least 30 minutes for open discussion/questions. AS the group gets to be more than 10 or so then I'd suggest breaking the question time into....10 min for pre-ops, 10 min for newbies to 6 months, 10 minutes for grads-over 6 months post-op. Reverse that if you have more grads than newbies and monitor the time changes as appropriate............We have had guest speakers and outings. We have had bariatric surgeons, plastic surgeons, psychs, exercise specialists, authors, successful WL post-ops, etc. Mixing it up, makes it fun and interesting. We have gone on hikes, to zoos, to picnics, walks, etc. together as extra activities. 7. Consider going to dinner after the meeting at a local spot; if appropriate. We find that the support and bonding continues and another type of education is created when eating together. We have had protein potlucks at the actual meeting too that are fun. 8. Keeping the momentum going is the most challenging of all. Many support groups have been created and then fizzle in a few months because people get overwhelmed and drop the ball. Being sensitive to someone's "slippage" is important and bringing new blood on board to take over is very important. Don't be a facilitator hog and let the group be "owned" by everyone. Newbies have an excitement and passion that many grads loose after time so keeping the fresh blood in the loop of leadership will keep your group fresh and going. This is a long answer Sally but I recognize the value of support groups and have tried my hardest to support the beginning of many groups. There can never be too many places for support!!!! If you have other questions along the way then just shoot me a private e-mail. I have files and files of material that make interesting presentations and fun support meetings. High Fives to you for taking the lead here and helping zillions! Joyce P.S. If anyone is reading this and is interested in a support group then how about printing these basic guidelines off.......I'd be happy to coach your privately as well.
on 8/21/06 8:18 am - Phoenix, AZ
Im going to try hard to be there!
on 8/21/06 8:56 am - Layton, UT
Hey there Amber! It's going to be a funzy "bear is and share it" kind of meeting! ....y'know...the warm fuzzy kind where we can bond and feel good about being "us"!!! Can't wait to see you! Joyce
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