My Surgery Date is Approaching... 08/29th... Any Final Advise???

on 8/13/06 9:56 am - Phoenix, AZ
Ok.. I am very scared of the what if's as I previously posted...However, I am going to have faith in GOD and my surgeon. With that said, any additional advise from those who have been through this surgery? Is it ok, my husband will not be spending the night with me since he has to watch our daughter since we don't have any friends or family out here? What I should pack? What can I do to make my life easier? Any other comments? I really appreicate this! Carrie For those who believe in GOD-Please say a prayer for me to make it through the surgery and have no complications. Thank you!
on 8/13/06 12:41 pm - Layton, UT
Hey Carrie, Have you got an angel yet sweetie pie? I"ll be in Utah during your surgery but can sure rally some support before I leave on the 24th and when I get home mid Sept!!! til suggestions to pre-ops: take a minty chapstick to the hospital and yummy smelling lotion for hubby to rub your feet..."ahhhhhhh!!!!"....other than that, I didn't even wear undies cuz I didn't know if it was really gas or "ooops!" it wasn't...y' I wore their gowns front and back so all areas were covered and then switched as often as needed. ....they put non skid socks on you usually but if not, then a pair or 2 of those are good to do your hall races!.....They give you toothe brush and paste but if you have a favorite brand of toothe paste that wakes your body juices up then take that with you and maybe a little shower to shower powder to put in those tender sweaty areas.......I didn't worry about make-up or anything else but the very basics while in the hospital. Have some yummy protein sample powders at home waiting to mix up your drinks when you get home and all the things recommended by your program. Getting out for groceries is difficult for a while and sending hubby usually means taking your chances with purchases! *winks* Maybe have a few meals made ahead; frozen in ice cube trays and popped in freezer bags for homeade soup broth, mashed potatoes, mushy favorites you may have like sweet potatoes blended up.... Stay in your jammies for a long time so people wait on you. The sooner you're in real clothes the sooner they think you can get back to all your duties......You can still get walking in while in a housecoat and slippers! My hubby didn't stay overnight with me and I was fine. I had a roommate so the hospital didn't allow him to stay. They don't mess with you too many times during the night and the pain meds help you drift off to sleep. On thing that I had my hubby bring up the 2nd day though was a mini fan. I was soooooooo HOT and my roommate was cold so I just had one of those little personal fans. LOVED it!!! You'll be in my prayers! ....You'll be running all over with your daughter ......healthier ...thinner and full of energy ...before you know it! Big huggggz your way, Joyce
on 8/14/06 2:38 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Thank you Joyce for the comforting words. I can't thank you enough for your support. And yes, I do need a angel...Can you tell me how that works? The mini-fan sounds like a great idea as well. Boy, am I getting nervous! In "15" days I start my new life... Please stay sweet and GOD bless you! Your new friend, Carrie
on 8/15/06 10:58 am - Layton, UT
Well, You've just got to post that you need one!!! I'll be on your cheerleading squad but will be out of state when you're having your surgery. need someone who will be HERE!!! ......I'm going to just give a holler out to our wonderful folks!!! Hugggggz, Joyce
on 8/14/06 1:49 am - flagstaff, AZ
My surgery was just 8/3. I was terrified too. I brought the basic toiletries, shampoo, conditioner, deoderant, toothpaste toothbrush, lotion... Plus my favorite pair of slippers, which got me plenty of attention. Everyone kept calling me 'the slipper lady', when I'd go for walks (they are enormous and yellow and shaped like Mickey Mouse feet.) I brought undies and shorts enough for 4 days (just in case). I always wear a pair of shorts over my skivvies, although I only put them on the last two days. The undies I changed every day. I also brought a long slipdress type of thing (no waistband) with a tank and a t to wear home (no bra) - actualy yesterday is the first day I have even put a bra on since the surgery. At home I was prepared with sugar free popsicles and broth and crystal light (I as only allowed clear fluids at first....each dr's plan is diffferent) I wasnt able to get rid of ANY of the gas in the hospital or for days afterwards, honestly that was the worst part! Dont dear, Trust in the Lord and He will carry you through (as He did me)
on 8/14/06 2:45 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Victoria, I also want to extend a great big hug to you for your pain. I have Phillips MofM, did you use that and did it help? I am so scared still but my mommy is coming from TX the day before my surgery and staying the whole week. I am so relieved! I trust in him and know I am going to be fine! =) How are you feeling now? Wishing you all my best, Carrie
on 8/14/06 4:05 pm - flagstaff, AZ
The Milk of Magnesia worked great. I only took 1/2 a dose two times that first week and it was fine, but ask your surgeon of course (they are all different about these things) I'm glad you have your mom coming That will be nice to have that support. My husband has been wonderful thoughout this whole thing, I dont think I could have done it without him (my mom is in I am just looking orward to surprising her with my weight loss success, because I'm sure it will be at least a year before I get to see her - or anyone in my family - again) I understand your fears perfectly. I was terrified and it really hit me on the morning of my surgery. Just know you are in Gods hands. I will make sure to pray for you. If there's anything I can do to help please feel free to email me God bless vic
on 8/15/06 3:14 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi, Carrie, I know you'll be fine. I would love to be your angel. Just let me know the details of where your surgery is. Virginia
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