Im home, I hurt and oy vey

on 8/7/06 1:26 pm - flagstaff, AZ
so, on average, how long does this first painful period last?
on 8/8/06 7:44 am - Phoenix, AZ
My pain lasted about 2 weeks, but it got better daily.. by the end of week three it was "sometimes".. and now that Im into week four im pretty much good to go. ;) Remember though that everyone heals different.. so dont be discouraged if it takes you longer to start feeling better. You asked what to eat.. that was my BIGGEST complaint.. wth do i get to eat then? A few of my favorites.. ground up chicken in a little mashed tatos oatmeal (the stuff with 50% less sugar doesnt make me dump and they have great flavors.. but thats me! remember everyones different) eggs! (think off all the possibilities! ;)) I would crash up some whole wheat crackers to mush inside different flavored soups Stews tossed in a blender are good! If youre *dying* to chew something (which I have been) -- Id get some potato soup with chunks and chew like crazy until it was equal to the mush I was allowed to eat. (but dont take my advice if youre not comfy with it. I just couldnt STAND not chewing after a while! I had to use my chompers on SOMETHING) More importantly.. I have a major sweettooth. So to cure my cravings.. sugar free jello is awesome. sugar free pudding. mm. sometimes if i blended up some "sugar free" canned peaches i would toss it on top of cottage cheese.. that was yummyable. I used cream cheese and warmed it a little bit to add to protein items like chicken to help make them softer.. toss in some spices and thats pretty muchy. *gross* looking.. but tastes decent. Im only about 4 weeks out.. i have another week of much so dont feel alone! I found that the cream of broccoli soup made me gassy.. which we've all associated with pain so i personally wouldnt suggest that for a week or so.. but then it was okay. same with blended up beans! (with a little salsa!) its not horrible.. although it seems like forever sometimes. *sigh* Oh and whatever you do.. dont try watermelon.
on 8/8/06 11:29 am - Phoenix, AZ
Hi, Amber, Thanks for posting this information for Victoria. I'm one week out and have been wondering what to eat myself so I appreciate all your ideas. They have given me a few ideas. Sending you skinny wishes, Virginia
on 8/10/06 3:12 am - flagstaff, AZ
Thanks for the ideas. But the creme cheese confused me. My little 'handbook' says creme cheese is a no no. I dont know if thats forever or until I reach 'stage 5' which is at 7 mos. I dont get why. I have my first follow up appt with the doc on monday so I will ask him then. The gas is slowly but surely going away (Some Milk of Magnesia helped alot with that - 1/2 a dose for two nights) Today was my first 'pureed day' but thats info for another thread
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