Head exam

Linda S.
on 7/31/06 1:58 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Well, tomorrow I have one of 2 visits for my psych exam. I was told by the office tomorrow will be an aproximate 2 hour questionaire. I will then meet with Dr. Goldberg next week on 8/8, for the 50 minute eval. I consult with Dr. Fang at 9 and the pysch at 10:30 on the 8th..that should be a full day..smile. Being who I am, I keep thinking I am not going to "pass" the head exam...laugh! I do have a pre-determination from UHC Choice Plus, so I do know I am fat enough and sick enough. Thanks for all the support, I appreciate the little emails of encouragement. I know I am not perfect, and maybe extra nervous being 55 and having extra hoops to jump through.
on 8/1/06 12:25 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Linda, Is your Dr. Goldberg based in Tempe? Kenneth Goldberg was my pyscho guy. He was great. He told me that he didn't care if I was or not. That two hour test is really really stupid. I can not understand how any of the dumb questions have anything at all to do with whether you are "stable" enough to go through with wls and that you don't have "food issues" Hello? how could we get this size and NOT have food issues??? One tip Dr. Goldberg gave me before my test was very helpful so I'll pass it on to you. If you are a religious person, please.. if you come across a true or false question that talks about hearing voices or influences of a higher power...answer in the negative. A possitive response to that one brings up a red flag. I crack-up when I think about that test. I went into that little room and it only took me about 45 minutes...I heard that it took at least 2 hours. I didn't try to overthink the questions...just filled in the bubbles. I thought that this would be my last hurdle of the hoop jumping so I was glad to get-r-done. I waited and waited to pick-up my test results (they sent it out to be corrected/ elvaluated) I was told by my doc that my results were "too good" that they had to run it through a few times because they suspected cheating. What???? I get a good score on a test that I didn't even have to study for...and it really didn't matter anyway in the long run. I'm glad I didn't have to take behavior mod classes..it turns out that my insurance co. required a 6 -month medically supervised diet documentation, which was not in my insurance criteria in the beginning...they added that after I sent all my pre-op stuff in......what a total let-down! I developed all kinds of fresh new co-morbs while I was on tha****ing period. I don't mean to be a downer...just last summer I was on the waiting side too and it wasn't fun...but it was so worth it in the end. You are so lucky you have a pre-determination already..you are almost there!!! Hugs and Ginger
Linda S.
on 8/1/06 6:51 am - PHOENIX, AZ
Hi Ginger, Smile...yes it is the same Doctor, I actually get to speak with him next week, he said that was backwards for him, but he was called out of town and did not want any delays for me. Laugh! I took the whole 2 hours, because the questions are so sucky, especially things like the man being the head of the household and such. Thanks for the heads up on the voices, and yes, I knew that was a trap,(not that anyone is out to get me), just in case "they" are listening..hehehe. The test seemed to ask in many ways, are you flexible, are you a traditionist, can you take advise, do you want to kill yourself and others, and are you a hot head. May I ask, did you have the moment of remorse after that I hear some speak of? I can't imagine having it, but have had major surgery before and know there is a slump emotionally afterwards for most. Also, indeed it is silly to think we don't have food issues. I think of wls as behavior mod to the hilt! I am soooooooo ready.
on 8/1/06 1:45 pm - Chandler, AZ
Oh Linda, You are too funny! I bet you are glad to get that goofy test over with. It's hard Not to think that "they are after us"..so many road-blocks in the way. You asked me about if I had a moment of remorse. I have to say honestly..yes I did to some degree. Let me preface this by saying that I had some complications and a 14 day stay at St. Lukes...tell me, how could that be fun??? I also had my surgery the day before Thanksgiving. I was so "thankful" to actually have this surgery that I agreed to the date..not realizing right away that I was actually forfixing my own family their chance to have Thanksgiving/visit with other family members. My little group have dinner in the cafeteria with no complaints. I had jello and chicken broth I did feel bad about doing that to them. I was on complete bed-rest and didn't have much to do but lay there and feel sorry for myself....so yes, I was in an emotional slump for quite some time. I couldn't say I was happy persay for a couple of months. I do admitt to having every emotion from deepest dispair to unbridled Happiness. I am 8 months out and down 105 now. I did have a total melt-down at Costco when I was about 3 months out....I looked at the food-court menu and realized that there was not one single thing that I could eat there..and get this...I wasn't even hungry. Sooooo yes, I have had issues..but they have been few. Glad I made it through....it's weird to say this...."ONLY" 93 more pounds to go. Your time is coming. You will like Dr. Goldberg..he is painless...he doesn't use a straight-jacket..I don't think... HugsGinger
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