Plastic Surgery Complications

on 7/22/06 1:56 pm - Peoria, AZ
Still out of work Original Post by Janette S. at 8:39 PM PST on 07/22/2006 Peoria, AZ - RNY (07/13/2004) - Steven C. Simon, M.D. I has PS on May 24 and still not released back to work. Its hard for me to talk about complications esp for people to read who are pre op but I had them and even though I would still have PS again right now I am feeling frustrated. I had a brachioplasty, tummy tuck and thigh lift. I was on IV antibiotics in the hospital preop and post op as I stayed 2 nights than came home on Keflex. About 1 wk after I finished the Keflex I developed fever, felt like a bladder infection( had a catheter in the hosp) and it cultured out strep. 2 days after I started levaquin for that I developed staff infection and cellulitis in my right thigh and the Dr added clindamycin for 1 week and than added another week. I also developed open areas in both thighs I was packing. I finally felt better and went back to work June 29 and 30th (Thur and Fri) which was longer than the 3 weeks I was planning on being out and by Sun. night was running 104 fever and by the next AM my Lt arm was red. Called PS and he started me on Augmentin and 2 days later the entire arm was red and swollen and I was put in the hospital and given IV antibiotics of clindamycin, unasyn and vancomycin after Cat scan showed a large abscess. The next day the PS came in and opened up my Lt arm incision right at the bedside(OUCH) and drained not 1 but 3 abscesses.Chest xray also showed interstitial pneumonia. I was than sent home on augmentin. I no longer have fevers or any open areas but have a continous headach( probably only had 3 headaches my entire life if even) dizzy, nauseated( put on low dose phenergan which helps) still losing wt which had stablized for 6 months prior to PS, and low B/P. At the Dr last week it was 70/44. All my blood work is normal inc. blood cultures , lung scan and chest xray good . Dr just did sinus xrays and wants to schedule me for more CT scans and scope my "pouch for an ulcer". Anyone ever experience anything like this where everything is normal as far as tests but still have abnormal symptoms. I know I wrote alot and rambled but I again am frustrated and looking for answers. Thanks PS My PS has been absoulety wonderful....but these hospital aquired infection are a drag... Janette RNY 7-13-04 363/123( 134 pre PS and PS said only took off @ 3-4 lbs skin) - 240 lbs
on 7/23/06 3:56 am - Layton, UT
HOly Cow Janette! You are scaring the bejeebies out of me! I am 9 days post-op P.S. and am scared to death of complications. I 've been on bedrest since Thursday because of excessive swelling and now my body is slowed down to the point that I feel fluid in the lungs and the bowels are paralyzed. I go to the p.s. tomorrow morning to have stitches removed (clear down in Tucson...I'm in Chandler) and am hoping for the go ahead to do 10 to 15 minutes slowly on the treadmill daily so things kick in again. I am soooooo sorry you have had such awful things to go through. I hope you are back on track to good health now and that you love your P.S. results. Do you like the looks? Would you do it again after all that you went through? Huggggzzzz, Joyce (crawling back into the bed now....)
on 7/23/06 5:24 am - Peoria, AZ
Hi Joyce! By no means to I mean to scare you or anyone else but it is important that everyone know comlications can happen. I just never dreamed so many would happen to me. I have researched PS for a yr before having it and read in particular Obesity Help board for PS, AZ and July o4 posts. I lurk almost every day but do not write much. Would I do it again yes but I would have imprinted on my head in BIG letters pre-op NO INFECTIONS. Mt tummy and arms are WONDERFUL my legs are tremendously improved but still somewhat loose but I chose to only have circiferentail and not down the inner thigh. I have before and after pics both WLS and PS and someday when I figure it out I will post for all to see. WLS literally saved my life and PS will just enhance that. Let us know how you are doing. My prayers are with you!! Janette RNY 7-13-04 (Dr Steven Simon Phx) 363/123 - 240 lbs 5-24-06 abdominoplasty, thigh lift and brachioplasty ( Dr Ali Mosharaffa Phx and I would use him again, I am a RN and his skill and professionalism are wonderful)
on 7/23/06 3:33 pm - Glendale, AZ
Janette, I'm so sorry that you've had such a rough ride. My father is recovering from a bout of MRSA and a friend of mine had a bout of MRSA after her PS. I know how tough it can be to get over those things. The scarey part is that 3 out of 10 people carry MRSA on their skin and 20% of cell phones tested came back positive for MRSA. It's not just confined to hospitals anymore. Personally, I don't believe that we RNYers do well with any type of medication or vitamin unless it's chewable or liquid. I noticed after my wls in 2004 that UTIs didn't seem to clear up after one round of antibiotics like they used to. This was especially true of meds like sulfa drugs that need to be taken with a lot of water. I started asking my doctors for all meds to be chewable or liquid after that and I don't have any more issues. All of my vitamins are chewables and my B-12 is liquid. I hope you are completely recovered soon. Connie
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