questions about food 1 1/2 years out

on 7/21/06 1:23 pm - flagstaff, AZ
I have what may be a stupid question, but bear with me. My husband and I are planning a huge trip for our 10 year anniversary. The trip is in January '08 (although our actual anniversary isnt till July, but I digress.) My surgery is in a little less than two weeks, so at the point of 'the trip' I will be 1 year and 5 months post op. In booking this vacation we have the option of buying a food plan, which basically pays for our food (a snack, a 'counter service meal' and a sit down meal per day per person). Do you think that by that time it would be worth it for me to purchase that type of plan for both of us? Or maybe just for him and I would still be eating such small portions that it woud be a waste of my money? I know, it seems ridiculous but we are booking early to pay it off early and I really need to know. I have no clue how much food most people eat when they are a year and a 1/2ish out.
on 7/21/06 1:34 pm - Layton, UT
Victoria! That's a great question! ..... Do you like the exact same foods as your hubby? Does he mind sharing 1/8th to 1/4 of his meal with you? If "NO" to either question then go ahead and order your own food plan. My hubby and I both had WLS and we still order our own meals when we go out because we rarely choose the same meal. Occasionally we'll both want a steak and then we'll just order an extra side of veggies to go with it. Sounds like you're going to have a FUN celebration! Huggggz, Joyce
on 7/21/06 1:40 pm - flagstaff, AZ
well I was just wondering if i would still be eating so little that it wouldnt be worth it. I can still order food on my own, but the plan comes with an appetizer an entree and a dessert (for the sit down meal). So I was wondering if at that point I would still be ordering small enough portions to be eating off the the childs menu , which would be cheaper still than buying the food plan. Does that make sense?
on 7/22/06 1:49 am - Glendale, AZ
At 1 1/2 years out (and even now at 2 1/2 years) I couldn't eat an appetizer and entree at the same meal. In fact, I usually can't eat a whole meal at any time. I still usually order an appetizer or share a meal for dinner or I have leftovers for a while. I don't know if this will give you an indication, but here's how the last two days have been. Thursday I went to lunch at Macayos and ordered a taco and enchilada combination. I ate 1/2 the taco and 1/2 the enchilada and none of the beans and rice and it all went back to the office in a box. The next day for lunch I got food from the cafeteria and ordered the fish sandwhich plate. I ate the fish without the bun, 5 or 6 French Fries and 2 bites of cole slaw. The rest went in the trash. Dinner last night was the other 1/2 of the taco and enchilada from the day before and the rest went in the trash. I end up wasting a lot of food when I eat out. Hope that helps. Connie
on 7/22/06 3:53 am - flagstaff, AZ
That is PERFECT. Thats what I am trying to get an idea of. Can anyone else chime in, to let me know thats kinda the norm? If thats the case, I will buy the food plan for him and not for me. I will just order a small meal for myself for dinner. I daresay it will be cheaper that way. I hate to waste and we wont have a refrigerator in our hotel to keep 'extras'. Another stupid that stage are you still eating several small meals a day...does it make it hard while away from home on an extended trip like this to do that? Oh andif you're wondering what we're doing...Oh baby let me tell you. We are massive Disney geeks and spend every single New Years at Disneyland. Hmmm, may need to back track a teensy bit. I was diagnosed with MS earlier this year. Heat is a baaad thing in the world of MS. SInce my WLS surgery [i]was[/i] scheduled for 7/17 we thought we'd get in one last fling at disneyland before my surgery, so we went July 1-5. And even though we did everything we could to keep me as cool as possible it was still stinking HOT!!!. We came home on that Wednesday and on Saturday morning I had a seizure. I ended up spending from that Saturday till the next Wednesday in the hospital getting treatments. THAT caused my WLS surgery to be delayed till 8/3. The docs said that more than likely the reason I had the flair up was from the heat and also the stress of the surgery but more than anything the heat. Well, My hubby and I have been planning on really doing a major Disney trip for our 10 year anniverary, pretty much since we got back from doing a major one on our [b]5[/b] year anniversary. We figure every five years we will really whoop it up. That time we went to WDW for 11 days in May (again anniversary is in July, but May seemed like the better time to go. We had been planning on doing the 10 year in April because on that trip we learned that even May was way hot) (Oh yeah, I spent my anniversary [i]this[/i] year in the hospital not fun). Anywho, as soon as this little episode happened we realised I would never be able to take the heat in April. We are planning on doing 10 days in WDW and then capping it off with a 7 day eastern caribbean Disney Cruise. The beauty of it all, is when we started pricing the trip to happen in April the cruise alone was like 6 grand. WAY expensive and we were freaking over the cost of adding ANY time in WDW (thinking maybe we wouldnt be able to do it). But now we have switched it to January (this is in '08 BTW), and unbeknownst to us January is considered their 'value season'. We are able to do 10 days in WDW including resort, all food and park hopper tickets PLUS the 7 day cruise for LESS than what the cruise alone would be in April!!!! Its amazing! So back to what I was saying. We always spend NYE in Disneyland. So we are going to cut that trip short (we usually do 8 to 10 days a year in Disneyland for Christmas and New Years. (No we are NOT rich.....we do this trip way cheaply, we have annual passes so all we spend is hotel and food. The hotel we stay is in way inexpensive compared to most and because we stay over a week its even has a full sized 'fridge and a kitchen so I can cook all our meals). So onthat particular year ('07) we will simply cut our stay down to 3 days maybe 4, spend NYE there, then pop on a plane to Florida and start the other trip. I am so excited I could die. And it's still over a year and half away, how silly am I?. So yeah, I was wondering about buying the food plan for that trip for both of us, Looks like it will be even cheaper if I only buy it for him and then buy my small portions for myself separately. So can anyone else chime in and let me know if thats the norm for most everyone at that stage of the game?
on 7/22/06 3:56 am - flagstaff, AZ
ooops how embarrasing, all my tags are showing in that post above. I didnt realise html tags wouldnt work.
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