soda and carbonation

on 7/20/06 3:39 pm - Phoenix, AZ
I hate hearing two arguments on one thing.. but what is the idea about sodas.. some people say they are allowed it if they tolerate..others say itll stretch the pouch (which I have had other arguments on that) so if you know the 'answer' please share. and why no beef?
(deactivated member)
on 7/20/06 5:19 pm - Yakima, WA
I am "allowed" soda (diet) and caffeine and beef - in fact I've had less trouble with beef than chicken hands down! That said, I don't think I'd have just given up anything I wanted to if my doc had said to me. I'm not a kid and I research most things - to death - and make my own decisions. I did follow everything my doc told me to do the first 90 days Bad science is people putting balloons over pop bottles or pouring pop into ziplock bags. This in NO way proximates a stomach/pouch which has two openings, not one. That said, carbonation can reduce absorption of calcium and caffeine can reduce iron absorption if taken at or near the same time. And caffeine is an appetite suppressant, though I often see people say the opposite. Oh well...just my two cents
Darlene X
on 7/20/06 10:35 pm - Maricopa, AZ
I believe Dr Fang say's No on soda.... Im going to follow that, and no more soda forever..... not because I think it stretches pouches or I have opinions on any physical reasons... it's more of a personal decision for me. Both my sister in law and mother in law had Lap RNY. I have watched as both of them returned to soda... which in turn has returned them both to very bad snacking habits... the soda addiction is causing some big weight loss struggles for them... So personally I would rather just avoid that all....
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/06 5:10 am - Yakima, WA
"it's more of a personal decision for me" Exactly!
Nicole W.
on 7/21/06 4:58 am - Cave Creek, AZ
Scottsdale Bariatric says no to Soda also... the carbonaton is not good for your stomach and your stitch line, from what I understood. Plus, my dentist told me years ago that the caffefine and carbonation is not good for your teeth and gums also. So, I have cut down my intake of Diet Coke probably 95%. Diet Coke used to be my coffee, my water... now its just cyrstal lite and H20.
on 7/21/06 5:41 am - Layton, UT
There is some science to what carbonation can do when heated and our pouches are defintiely heated. Granted, there is an escape route which is usually "DOWN" for it to go. Anything we have consumed would be forced out of the pouch. That leaves your pouch with emptiness....which causes snacking and a lack of satiety/ translates to weight regain!. Also, the science behind the ingredients themselves is frightening. If someone can clean out a plugged drain with a can of soda then I'm sure that ulcers may be a result of some of that type of abuse to our systems. Caffeine has it's own set of problems (and controversy) You can google caffeine and find out the zillions of reasons to NOT have caffeine. I think the 2 that stand out in my mind are that it is a dieuretic and fights against our battle to stay hydrated and that it stimulates the appetite. There are also studies that indicate just the opposite about it being an appetite suppresent. Those are mostly done with "newborn" rsearch. Caffeine is also addictive which in itself is a red flag. We all have so many head issues as it is; do we really want to deal with one more addiction in our lives? Soda has been referred to as a "gateway stimulant". It's the same theory that someone who starts with marijuana will be more likely to take the next step to other street drugs. Soda has so many social norms to it like the's part of the perfect "threesome". So, If we're having a burger and seems we'd want the fries to go with. .....It's not bologna to consider the things that may be triggers for you. I know that Diet Coke is definitely a trigger for me. It conjurs up food binges that involve pizza, chocolate, etc. The bottom line....We can only drink so much in the course of the day. After going through such a major surgery (sometimes even out of pocket) do you want to waste your little pouch drinking space with something that is unhealthy? I think our goals with having surgery is to "get there". There is releative to all of us but "there" usually means a place with better heatth and on the path to eating healthy and at a healthy weight. Of course "non diet" soda is an entirely different set of "bads'! How about a few extra thousand calories down the hatch without any satiety whatsover!?!!! Focus on what you "CAN" have and find the new drinks that work for you!!!! I LOVE the peachy Crystal Light (no caffeine) and the grape flavored Propel! Which things have you found that you like? Huggggz, Joyce
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/06 12:57 pm - Yakima, WA
Hiya. Your post is very interesting and I can see a lot of validity in what you say. However...and I apologize in advance for any spelling or quoting errors I may produce this morning as I am working on my first cup of coffee ...caffeine, can't be addictive by the very definition of addiction. Though, undisputed, it is habit forming. Many people confuse the headaches, fatigue, etc. from caffeine deprivation with addiction. This just isn't true. Addiction means that the caffeine replaces something (i.e., dopamine) in the brain/body and the brain/body stops producing it in favor of the drug. With caffeine this is not the case. It does stimulate the brain and body, but doesn't replace the production of any chemical. Hence, it is not addictive. (McKinley Health Center, University of Illinois, 2002) To equate caffeine as addictive would be like to equating chilis as addictive, inasmuch as they have the same function. It's a placebo effect to the brain. Same with excessive exercise and exposure to the sun. They all 'force' the release of endorphines. And since the body releases at LEAST 20 different endorphines, science is still working to categorize and learn about them - how they work, what triggers them, why some block pain (and how that can be manipulated), etc. Science does know that they (endorphines) seem to slow down aging of the body, relieve pain and reduce stress (as does adrenaline). So by this criteria, is an artificial production of endorphines a 'bad' thing? Chocolate contains anandamide, a chemical that mimics marijuana. Chocolate's compounds have been shown to trigger endorphines. A really good article on caffeine consumption can be had at: where it sites the positions of the AMA, NIH, American Cancer Society, etc....very informative.
on 7/21/06 1:28 pm - Layton, UT
Diane, Your information is interesting and that you pointed out that you were about to have your morning cup of coffee in the post makes me wonder what point you are really trying to make?. ..... to that, I say "enjoy your cup of coffee up there in Washington!" . Facts are easily found by any who want to do the research.. One can simply google "is caffeine addictive" to get information. .....Whether someone chooses to drink coffee, soda, propel, water, etc should be based on an educated premise unless it's totally about an addiction.....or habit? For me it is enough that health books of all types and variesties as well as many surgeons and doctors suggest tha****ER is healthier than anything that can be chosen with caffeine. Joyce --- I'm off to bed because I am currently taking pain pills! They are also addictive! *winks* -- friendly banter can continue on Monday if you'd like!
(deactivated member)
on 7/21/06 2:38 pm - Yakima, WA
Hi. Not sure why you called me Diane lol. This is Tooter No point to be made by my comment about the cuppa coffee...I just was waking up and not 'fully functional' *grin* I agree - there is a lot of research out there and my hope is that people will do their own research, follow their doctor's instructions as necessary and take what risks they are willing. That's all... I'm not an argumentative person - I just like facts, statistics and independent thinking And yup, hands down, water IS the best thing Hope you have a great weekend! ~Tooter
Sandy in Tucson
on 7/21/06 6:10 am - Tucson, AZ
I have uan ulcer now...............soda is the last thing I want to drink. I believe in what Dr. Fang says, too. I am 192 lbs down....why question my surgeon. If you have to drink soda let it sit.....let many of the bubbles fizzle out..............and stick with diet varities. Maybe soda can be a stepping stone going back to other bad behaviors that got us obese....maybe it is more than just expansion of the stomach....but a way of compliance---keeping us in control.....................................head power to stay on track.....with your new life style. Sandy
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