Please tell me the difference between Lapband & Bypass??

Candi Y.
on 7/20/06 10:43 am - Cottonwood, AZ
I am a new member who is just starting to learn about WLS and was wondering the Lapband seems so much easier and faster to mrecover then the Bypass, it also seems more permenent since you can have fills, someone with experience, PLEASE HELP! THanks!:-
K B (Tucson)
on 7/20/06 1:31 pm - Tucson, AZ
I am banded and of course I think there are lots of advantages for the band over other types of wls. Everyone has a bias for their own type of wls, so know that up front. The main advantages are indeed it's adjustability, you are not dependent on supplements for the rest of your life as your guts are not rearranged and the band can be taken out if need be (but it is supposed to be a permanant placement). There is a lapband forum on this website that you should look at to get a sense of what issues are involved with the band. You should also monitor the other wls forums on this site as well to learn about other types of wls. Please be aware that some non-bandsters say that weight loss is very slow with the band and you will not be able to lose all the weight you need to with the band. This is not true. Studies indicate that the rate of loss is slower than with bypass but you can lose all the weight you need within 2-3 years of banding. I am a few days shy of my 8th month anniversary being banded and have lost 93 lb. My rate of loss is only a bit slower than many bypassers. If you have more questions, email me privately. good luck.
Nicole W.
on 7/21/06 5:08 am - Cave Creek, AZ
When I was looking into have Weight Loss Surgery, I was set on having the Lap Band... but as I informed myself more and more... I decided to go with the Gastric Bypass Surgery. Like some others out in the world, I thought you could have the band put in and then when you were all done with your weight loss, that you could have it removed and that you did not have to have anything else done... that was it. But you just cannot have it removed when you want... it would have to be a medical necessity to have it removed. After going to my seminar at SBC, I was quickly turned off because of some of the complications with the Lap Band... especially with the port that is underneath the skin. And I also did not want to see or feel that port under my skin after I lost all my weight... so after speaking with the surgeon and some other patients, I got my information and made my decision. Recovery depends on you... on how you feel. I have known some gastric bypass patients that felt wonderful in 10 days and others that took a good 6 weeks to feel back to themselves again, but it does vary on the person. Have you attended a informationial seminar yet? Scottsdale Bariatric has them monthly... you might want to give them a call. It gives you some great information.
on 7/21/06 5:14 am - Layton, UT
Hi Candi, I'm an Rny post-op and credit my surgery as the thing that literally saved my life. However, it was the only option I really had then and though I lost the majority of my weight and restorred my health, I'm not convinced it is the "only" road that leads to positive results! .... I am 3 1/2 years post-op and would lOVE to be able to go in and have my band "filled"! (adjusted) That's one of the HUGE advantages to having a Lap Band....there is NO honeymoon period and with an adjustment, it's like having a brand new surgery. You definitely CAN get to goal; in fact, I would say that it's possiblet o stay at goal easier with tweaking than just relying on "staying on track" all the time on our own. We all know that if that would have worked for us before then we would not have needed weight loss surgery. You can find statitstical comparissions to thw two types of surgeries on or (I can't remember if it's a com or a net!) Good luck! Just know that it's important to do research and find out what is right for YOU! In fact, if your BMI is over 60, you may even consider researching the Deudenol Switch or the Rny Distal. But, these surgery types are extremely malabsorptive and will require very high maintenance forever to keep optimum health. Loser's Rock!!!! Joyce
on 7/21/06 10:37 am - queen creek, AZ
I chose the band for many reasons, the biggest was that it is reversable. I also love to eat and the band is designed for solid foods so I don't have to drink protein shakes. I love that I can get a fill and it does not hurt, my port does stick out now that I am at goal. I could change it out but it does not bother me. Most of my friends had RNY, I was the first in my "group" to get a band. I was scheduled to have RNY in 2001, and cancelled it. Iguess I was just waiting for the band. I was told I would not lose as much as RNY patients and that I would not get to my goal for several years. I thought that was ok since it took several years to become obese. Well, I hit my goal (90lbs)before my 6 month post-op visit. I had 3 fills and I had a slight "unfill" a few weeks ago. ( I don't need so much restriction now that I have developed better eating habits). I am actually 2 lbs under goal now. I think that the band is great for people with a BMI under 50. Don't take it that super obese people should have RNY, but the higher the BMI the harder it is for lap-band patients per INAMED. With any WLS there are rules, You need to research them and figure out how you are willing to live the rest of your life. ie: No refined sugar with the RNY, getting fills and getting food stuck in your band. No matter what you choose, it will be a life long commitment. Don't rush into anything, take your time and have faith in what you do choose. There are no right or wrong options. Good Luck and if you have any questions or need any thing, please email me. Jen Banded 12/15/05
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