surgery delayed till 8/3

on 7/12/06 2:28 pm - flagstaff, AZ
Well, I got a kick in the butt on Saturday. I woke up Saturday AM and had the beginnings of another MS exasberation. The seirures terrify me more than anything in the world. I was admitted to St Joes in Phoenix in the new Neurological tower (very nice I might add...I was the first peson ever in that room, they just opened that new nerological center on Sunday, so perfect timing. I was actually in the ER for over 24 hours till they could get a room for me, but the staff ther is so wondeful and I cant complain at all.). I just got released today, and got home from phoenix about anhour ago. So five days in the hospital getting solul medrol (steroid/prednisone) treatments. My neurologist asked for me to put off surgery for at least a week. Dr Berger has asked for a little bit longer. Since prednisone delays my bodies ability to fight off infection, he has delayed it till August 3rd (instead of July 17th). I am trying to not be down, as I know it is for the best, and truthfully it DOES give me a bit more time to prepare. The docs feel that my flair up was due to a myriad reasons. First I just changed MS meds June 15, and they said it takes a good 9 months for them to become fully effective. Secondly we took a trip to Disneyland July 1st to the 5th, and althought we did our very best to keep me cool it was still 105º with mucho humidity, and then last but not least the simple stress of the upcoming surgery was alot to take in. So in all probability those three things combined is what caused it. I am a bit down as I said but not defeated. I've waited upwards of five years, whats another few weeks. Pleas pray for me and my spirits and my health. This was a big blow for me. I canoot let the fear of those seizures have control in my life. Thank you all for listening and caring. God bless you all vic
on 7/12/06 11:33 pm - Chandler, AZ
((((((((((((((((Victoria)))))))))))))))) I am so sorry to hear about your MS epoisode. Maybe you could do a commercial sometime about the great St Joes Neuro unit. I am sorry that your surgery had to be delayed..that is such an emotional blow for you I'm sure. My thoughts are with you as you prepare for your new surgery date. Don't you just wish you could just close your eyes and have it be September already??? I do. Last year at this time, I had a unexpected delay in my surgury plans..nothing medical like you...but depressing to say the least. It took me a while to step up to the plate and accept that I had more hoops(on the insurance side) to jump through. I wanted it to be a year later so bad..that way I'd be done with all the waiting that was driving me Now... it is a year later and I'm still a wishin' I'd be at goal already..see, I'm NEVER satisfied!!! Take careful care of yourself Victoria. Remember we are all here and are rooting for ya! You are so lucky that your doctors are so pro-active in your healthcare and want to take a procautionary approach for your sake. WE CARE HugsGinger
on 7/13/06 2:29 am - flagstaff, AZ
Thank you so much. Yeah it was definitely a blow to be sure. But I understand...its for my health. I just feel like finally the insurance comany is saying 'yes' (after all these years) but my body is saying 'no way'. I know its only a few more weeks and in the grand scheme of things its not that big a deal, but I'm just tired. Tired of waiting and hoping and wishing. Tired of my body fighting me And the fear. Oh my, the fear that those seizures bring is the most awful thing in the world.
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