Questions Galore

on 6/7/06 3:50 pm - scottsdale, AZ
Hello everyone!! I am new to this web site (oficially). I have been checking it out for the past couple of months. I am hoping to get some insight and advice while I am on my journey. So if I repeat some questions that have already been asked I apologize. My best friend had weight loss surgery about a year ago. She was banded by a Dr. in Texas. I have been watching her progress & doing a lot of my own research. I tried the insurance way. I was going thru St. Likes bariatric center w/ Dr. Fang. I didn't find the staff to helpful at all. I had all my stuff turned in & my psych exam. THe last thing I had to do was be on a managed weight loss program for six months. That was last December. Do you know NO ONE from there office has called to follow up with me? STILL to this day. Anyway I decided to try Jennie Craig for the six months. That lasted all of about 2 months. My body was having a really hard time with the processed foods. I started going to a homeopathic Dr. In March. I figured, I know I am going to have this surgery one way or another & I want my liver and insides as healthy as they can be before I have the surgery. I have been doing a slow detox on my liver & I have cut out red meat & dairy. I feel better than I have in a long time. My point is I am thinking about having my surgery across the border.Either in Mexico or Brazil. If anyone knows of any surgery in the US that is around 12K I am up for that too. Any words of wisdom or sugesstions you can offer would be great. Thanks so much for your patience!
on 6/8/06 1:21 am - Gilbert, AZ
I don't know about the across the border options, but did wonder if you had been in contact with Dr. Fang's office yourself? Sometimes it is the squeeky wheel that gets the attention. Not enough to annoy them, but enough to let them know you are serious and would like some progress. I know the offices for Fang and Juarez are very busy and I can see where a prospective patient or two might fall into the cracks if they don't help keep their file moving to the top. The obvious problem with self-pay is that if you have any complications your insurance most likely won't cover them. Many people do have surgery as self-pay so that is a viable option. Sandy
Tiffany McGee
on 6/8/06 2:27 am - Glendale, AZ
Accross the border - One of the members of our Support group was banded in Mexico and looks great. She was banded in March of this year. I'm not sure if she is on here, but I'll see if I can get her email address for you. Surgeons Office - I cannot answer for your surgeons staff. I have heard that Dr. Fang's staff is quite good. The office staff at my Surgeons office was unique. The first lady I talked to was wonderful, but very busy. The second person I spoke with was straight to the point and sometimes a little rude. I had several problems getting things accomplished. I have found that if I didn't not make the effort to call in to my Surgeons office I would not have had anything accomplished. I made a regular bug of myself and I also called the insurance co. alot to find out what was going on. In fact, I'm calling them right now to find out when my surgery date will be since they didn't call when they told me they would. 6 months supervised diet - My good friend has to see a Doctor (his regular PCP) for 6 consecutive months. His surgeons office received the records from each visit. But they are not involved in the supervision of the diet. He was given the information and had to follow up on his own. Could that be the case with your surgeons office? Good Luck on your endeavors. Take Care! Tiff
on 6/8/06 3:11 pm - scottsdale, AZ
Thanks for the information. If you could get that e-mail for me. Asking her permission of course, I would like to chat with her. THanks again! ;-)
Darlene X
on 6/8/06 2:53 am - Maricopa, AZ
I love Dr Fangs office.... Collene was always prompt, on the ball... and great. Pat you have to bug a little.... and she comes across a little rude, but she really isnt... it's her personality, she really is very nice. As for the 6 month diet thing... I mean what do you want his office to do? Call you every month, baby you??? In most cases when thats a requirement, your pretty much on your own... you complete the diet and then get back with the surgeons office.... I wouldn't expect them to be calling me. They are super busy.
on 6/8/06 3:24 pm
First of all, I have to say that Darlene sounds rather harsh in her words and reply to this post. I think that it is great that she was treated so well at Dr Fang's office, BUT that is not to say that EVERYBODY is going to get the same exact treatment. So, I don't think that she should be so defensive about Dr Fang's office staff. The second thing is, does your insurance require you to have a 6 month MEDICALLY SUPERVISED diet or a MANAGED WEIGHT LOSS diet? If it is a medically supervised diet, then you will need to see the doctor every month for 6 months straight. You either have to get your PCP or your Surgeon to supervise the diet for your weigh-in's every month. I don't think that means that your asking the doctor to "baby you". If it is a managed weight loss program, then you should call your insurance to determine what type of management they want for your diet. (Jenny Craig or can your PCP document your diet) I do think that alot of the surgeon's offices get very busy, and of course you can slip through the cracks, whether it is intentional or not, it doesn't really matter. I would call Dr Fang's office one more time, to see where you stand in this WLS journey, and if you feel as though you are just getting brushed to the side, then I would definitely look for a different surgeon. But this is just my opinion. Good luck Jennifer, as I have faith that everything will work out good for you. Veronica Start: 284 Current: 202 Goal: 130
Darlene X
on 6/9/06 3:05 am - Maricopa, AZ
I didn't read my post before I submitted it yesterday, when I re-read it, it did sound harsh-- wasn't mean't to. I have e-mailed Jennifer and apologised, and explained what I mean't. Darlene
on 6/9/06 9:01 am - Layton, UT
You know this is a tough call ! As an employee of a WL surgeon, and having worked for 2 different programs within the Bariatric area.....let me just say that sometimes it's one of those "darned if you do and darned if you don't" situations. Some patients are irritated if I call them throughout their "diet/gathering things stage" procses because it seems as if we're the greedy snakeoil salesman.....but, if we don't call then we are letting them "slip through the cracks" or do not care enough. And, actually, it is completely our responsibility as inquiring customers to do our own homework and our own research and our own insurance requirements. I think we should each tackle anything in life with the idea that if it's something we want then we'll go for it regardless of who is nice to us or isn't along the way. ..... I suggest: 1. find out which surgeons your insurance will cover. 2. which surgery type YOU prefer and that your insurance will cover 3. which surgeon has the best statistical record (most surgeries performed and is a member of a center of excellence) 4. get opinons off of here for other things that matter to YOU personally (like support groups, pre-op teaching, program fee charges ,etc.) The deal is.....if you ask anyone who the best surgeon in the state of Arizona is....guess who that will be......Yup! THEIR surgeon!!!!! LOL! That's how it should be. ... THough the staff is influential on whether or not you have a nice office visit or not....and the bedsire manner of the surgeon makes the 5 minutes you actually visit with him/her nice....the main thing is the skill and the before and aftercare that is provided. Sooooo.......if someone says that Socttsdale is better or someone says that Bridges is better or Newhoff or Barix or Simpson or Mexico or Mayo or whoever.....then believe them! LOL! Cuz in THEIR mind they are right! Just take your pick and then move forward with an exciting future! Huggggz, Joyce
on 6/8/06 4:01 pm - mesa, AZ
RNY on 07/26/06 with
Hi Jennifer, sounds like you need to put a bug in the dr's office ear and see what they say. I would be persistant and call your ins. company to see what is needed for their criteria. Also your primary care dr should know what is needed. If your primary dr's office does not seem knowledgable about the wls or atleast willing to help you find out what needs to be done then find another one right away. I messed around with my pcp office and the staff for over 3 yrs and I finaly had it with them. I made a phone call to my ins comp. and talked with a case manager and found out the criteria. She informed me that if my dr's office would of done the proper paperwork when they were suppose too I could probably be approved and had the surgery and been thin by now. But I dont fit the criteria due to paperwork issues. So instead of waiting for something to happen I am making it happen for myself. I am goign to Mexico to have the surgery done. I plan on using Dr. Joya. Alot of people have used him and he seems like he is trustworthy and capable of doing the proceedure. If you go to south of the border forum and look around you can see what is offered. The bypass cost about 12,500.00 for everything.That includes hosp, plane fair there and back and hotel to recoop after leaving the hosp.So I am tired of waiting and takign things in to my own hands. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. Good luck to you in your journey. Tanya
on 6/9/06 9:06 am - Layton, UT
Thats' harsh! Unless you've experienced BOTH places then you really can't judge which is better. .... I'm glad you had a positive experience at your location and wiht your surgeon but a huge battle coule begin and never end if people declared one place "better" than another! .... There are many happy post-ops from both of those programs.... I am one of them! Huggggz, Joyce
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