a couple questions :)

on 6/1/06 11:36 am - Phoenix, AZ
1. what inspires you to continue your success, other than the number decreasing on your scale. and 2. what is your favorite protein drink, concoction, or any type of drink you create or buy to supply you with protein? I am afraid of chalkiness, freakishly afraid of chalkiness... silly fear, but so I was wondering what you enjoy most? My surgery date is coming closer and I can't wait to be on that other side where most of y'all are. I just get so proud hearing peoples stories, and I am trying to find ways to keep myself motivated, and I don't have such a creative bone in me when it comes to thinking of ways. So far I have just buying an outfit that is a reasonable size smaller than what I am now, or maybe writing a list of things i want to accomplish post-op.. but I would love to hear your own stories. You all inspire me, you all, if you know it or not, keep me sane as I have the countdown. lol and that brings my third question.. if you could go back and tell your pre-op self soomething you wish you knew about post-op.. what would it be? thanks all -Jess
Sandy in Tucson
on 6/1/06 11:51 am - Tucson, AZ
Keeping my diabetes in control keeps me in line. I want to keep my body parts with me till death. My favorite protein is Unjury-chocolate, I get it from www.unjury.com I still spend over $100 a month on protein every month. I like it. I have use Isopure in the bottle-40 grams of protein-no carbs-no sugars....I get it at GNC $3.50 a bottle or more now. I also use Profect protein in the tubes....3.5 ozs of protein---20 grams of protein-no carbs no sugars. Also, expensive $2.50 a tube. www.protica.com for Profect protein...it is also only bought via the internet. My weight loss support group group orders it. And we get it at 55 dollars a case-24 tubes. I would tell my pre-op self....not vary one second from the foods given to eat at each stage....and keep the calories low--low the first 6 months...so I could of lost more the 1st 6 months out. I lost 100 lbs at 6 months-150 lbs at 12 months. I am 18 months out now 185 lbs down. Seriously, I have done very well over all....but I could done better the 1st 6 months out.......my opinion. Sandy
on 6/1/06 3:35 pm - Layton, UT
1. No more insulin shots...off of 11 different medications.....love shopping.......love painting my toenails! 2. Matrix chocolate made hot like hot chocolate. I add a shot of sugar free Torani syrup in chocolate and in either caramel or peppermint! This is Starbucks quality yummy! 3. I'd say" Pre-op self...you've only got a short honeymoon period to get most of this weight off so don't be messing around with bad nibbles, drink at least 1 protein drink a day to keep yourself in ketosis (fat burning mode) and keep the exercise going so your skin isn't so loose!" ......Man..where was I when I needed someone to tell me that?!!!! Good luck with your surgery Jess! Huggggz, Joyce
on 6/2/06 12:16 am - Peoria, AZ
For me what motivates me is not only the scale...but the total body fat....when I started this journey I as 60% fat.....and just slightly 8 months out my body fat is 20%...and I have learned that just modifying my diet doesn't help that number decrease...I am at the gym 5 or 6 days per week....and making myself work. Being able to do what I can today vs. a year ago is also very motivating....never would have considered running on a treadmill....heck before surgery I felt accomplished if I could walk a mile in 25 minutes...now I am running 3 miles in that time. And shopping...oh my....to walk into any store and buy anything off the shelf to wear....drives my wife crazy that I shop like I do...but when I was bigger had no options....now the sky is truly the limit. For protein I am fortunate...I am not having to suppliment outside of normal diet...I get between 60 to 80 grams per day. Best of luck, Dave 411/220/170
on 6/2/06 3:03 am - Mesa, AZ
What inspires me is the way I feel about myself now. I don't let anyone walk over me anymore. I am a much stronger person, both physically and mentally. And I love the way my husband loks at me. He loved me when I was heavy but the looks I get from him now are heavenly. It has made my marriage better. Protien....I like Designer Whey, Chocolate flavor, and the Isopure ready to drink ones. I haven't tried alot of different ones, these were some of the first ones I tried post-op and just stuck with them. Just remember that what tastes good pre-op may not taste the same post-op. Try to get samples first. What kept me motivated before was reading profiles here on OH. Log on to different states. Go look at the before and after photos. They are so inspiring. Advise.... if something doesn't feel right after surgery, don't be afraid to call your surgeon. I did develop a stricture afterwards and it went undected for weeks before we figured out what was wrong. So if it feels wrong, call. Also, remember the first few weeks suck. You will miss food. IT GETS BETTER!! This was the hardest part for me. But once you are able to add soft foods back into your life, everything just gets better from there. And I agree with Joyce, take full advantage of the honeymoon period. Once that ends, the real work begins and if you didn't change any habits it is so much harder.
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