New post-op, need some listening ears and support.

on 5/25/06 10:59 pm - Anchorage, AK
Hi, everyone! I just had my surgery with Dr. Villares on Monday, May 22nd. I had really tried to pump myself up before surgery, but I am finding myself having a tougher time than I had thought I was going to have! My physical pain does seem to be diminshing every day, but I am finding myself having crying jags when I talk to members of my family on the phone. Sometimes, I just burst into tears for no apparent reason. Ever since my surgery, I've been sleeping really deeply and having crazy dreams, too. I guess that I am really nervous that I will mess up by not being able to take in enough water or protein. I find myself dizzy if I am up and about too much, but I worry that I should be exercising (instead of the light housework/walks that I am doing). I realize that I am not even a week post-op yet, but I was wondering if there is a support group close here in Tucson? It would just help to talk to some others who can give me some guidance. My husband is very supportive, but he has never had any weight issues, let alone post-op gastric bypass ones! If you can give me any pointers, tips or words of wisdom/encouragement, I really need them. Thanks so much everyone! Love, K P.S. I am supposed to be taking Celexa for mild depression, but can't figure out how to take it post-op, they said to cru**** but on the Celexa website it says not to. I haven't taken it in over a week because I am scared of getting it stuck (even 1/4 of a 40mg. tablet) - is anyone else on this medication, and if so, how do you take it?
Sandy in Tucson
on 5/25/06 11:54 pm - Tucson, AZ
Support group in Tucson next Tues night. Be there about 6:25 pm for orientation. You need to be seem to have alot of concerns. the web site is [email protected] you need to join is free. Then go to the web site....and in the headers is where the meeting is...etc. The meeting is just north of Saquaro Hs on Camino 3 blocks north of Broadway Blvd. They will be selling Profect 3.5 oz protein vials...$2.50 each or a case for $55. I just got 4 cases last night for 2 friends at work. You need to call your Dr. about the Celexa issue.......message boards can give you support on many issues....but advice on drugs is between your Dr. and you. Ok Bring your hubby to the meeting....ok Sandy in Tucson
on 6/5/06 1:52 pm - Tucson, AZ
I too am a very recent post op. I take Celexa and you can brake the Celexa up into quarters. Just get a pill splitter and break it up twice. Then you can swallow it with water or Crystal Lights. I recommend something with flavor because you will taste the pills and that is not a very pleasant taste. Just a word that my MD shared witth me, He said that this is NOT the time to be missing your meds such as Celexa. It may take you 4 or 5 days to get your sea legs back after getting back on Celexa, but some of your reactions are very normal post op reactions and getting back on your meds will help with some of your feelings. Hope to see you at the support group in Tucson tomorrow evening. Karen W. Dr. Chaisson Sleeve Gastrectomy 5/23/06
Sandy in Tucson
on 5/26/06 12:02 am - Tucson, AZ
I messed up...the the first Tues of the month...............please go to the web site. i am old...i make mistakes...LOL Sandy
on 5/26/06 12:31 am - Chandler, AZ
Hi Karen, (((((((((BIG OLE HUG))))))))))) I am only 6 months ahead of wise and I gotta tell ya honestly..the first 3 months I felt like crap. I did not expect to feel like that at all. I thought I knew what to expect. I read allot of books and articles on gastric bypass..heck, I even was a caregiver for my son after his wls. I knew everything there was to know right???WRONG!!!! I did have some complications..some of which I am still dealing with. Hopefully I will be released from my pulmonologist next month (I had a blood clot). My point is....Although I wasn't in a whole lot of pain physically, emotionally I was a reck. Remember how they tell ya not to compare yourself with others?...that's a hard one to follow for me post-op. However, I had to remind myself that I wasn't a "normal" post-op patient. Just the idea of getting in all the water and protein in me when I could bearly hang in there..was overwhelming for me. All I can tell ya is to just do the best you can, and realize that it DOES get better. Don't worry about running a marathon right now. Walking around the house is just fine for now. The deep sleeping and crazy dreams issues are probably the cause of some anitesea that is still in your system...I remember those as well. Ask your hubby or a friend or sister to help you with your dr. appointments and when to take your meds etc. I know this sounds weird...but I shut my hubby out of the deal completely..he had enough to deal with...and so I had my sister call and remind me what was was just too hard to think clearly. My best day was the day I was released to drive. Oh my heck, FREEDOM again!!! Please don't rush things. Things do get better. SmilesGinger
on 5/26/06 12:54 am - Gilbert, AZ
Check with your pharmacist about the Celexa and crushing. He/she might be able to tell you of an alternative that is in a different form or that can be crushed. Doctors are not always aware of what can or cannot be crushed, they should be but that is not always the case. When you talk to your doctor tell him that the literature says to not crush. Sandy in Higley
on 5/26/06 2:34 am - Layton, UT
Karen, Call your surgeon and/or your pcp asap and get directions on the celexa issue! Your pharmicist can tell you about the crushing vs not crushing stuff but maybe you need your meds adjusted. I'm quite surethat celexa isi one of those meds that shouldn't be stopped abruptly. Your poor body is not only recovering from surgery but is most likely having withdrawals. Also, know that your hormones can be on overdrive for a few weeks; sometimes even months as a post-op and so emotions are very attached to our hormone highs and lows. It sounds like you need some doc advice, some meds, some comfort and some more information from experienced WLS. The Tucson group message board is a yahoogroup site. You just join (free site) and then in the SEARCH window you can type: Tucson WLS Support Group. I'm not sure of their exact addy right now but maybe Sandy from Tucson can give you direction. In the your feelings and qusetions to us and keep in touch! ...You may be sleeping deeply and having psycho dreams because of Lortab???? Pain meds effect everyone differently. .....As for exercise...just increase your steps by a few each day. From Kitchen to bedroom 5 times on one day and then to the mailbox and back the next day. Try going around the block with your hubby in the evening in a few days and increase from there. Just progress with baby steps. Sip water always and get your protein drinks in (at least 2 at your phase). Be well sweetie pie and hang in there! Joyce
on 5/26/06 3:12 am - Green Valley(5/24/05 Lap RnY), AZ
Karen - I too had Dr. Villares as my surgeon. He is amazing! I am one year and 2 days post op, and am now "normal". I started at 245, and this morning I weigh 135. With regard to physical activity - I had lap Rny - I presume since you had Villares you had the same surgery. Correct me if I'm wrong. In any event, you have some pretty good swelling going on and no, you probably don't feel too terrific. At 4 days out my exercise consisted of having my beloved Bear drive me to Safeway so I could lean on a cart and walk up and down all the aisles. I took my water with me and the good folks at the grocery (I live in Green Valley) got used to me just wandering around, looking for something I could eat, that was good for me and fit inside my doc's program. For the first 2 weeks that was my "exercise". I have a tip - get some "Better than Bullion". It's sold at Safeway. It's a paste as opposed to cubes and is made from actual meat. They sell chicken, beef and a couple others. I practically lived on the stuff for the first few days and still drink it when my tummy is feeling a little cranky. I don't take any meds for depression so I cannot offer any help there, but I do take other meds. Villares had me simply taking the itty bitty ones and I got a pill splitter from the base pharmacy (you can buy them at any pharmacy) for the larger ones. At first I could handle taking a pill that was about the size of one-quarter of an aspirin. I took my meds with my meals so that if they were somewhat harsh at least they were surrounded by food (yeah as if 1/4 cup of food will "surround" anything) when the med hit my re-arranged tummy. Re getting it "stuck". Villares probably gave you a tummy opening about the size of a pencil eraser. The docs advised me that initially I should not take anything larger than 1/4 of a regular aspirin. By the time I was 3 months out though I was taking regular Centrum Silver vitamins whole without difficulty. I still occasionally take a too large bite of food - it is particularly a problem if I allow myself to get too hungry - and have some "stuck" issues. But that is absolutely the only problem I have had. As I said, I worship Dr. Villares. I have never dumped. I can eat literally anything I want - although to be truthful I am very careful to get the protein first, then the green leafys. But if I want it, and have room I do eat desert - a bite, or have a little mixed drink - no carbonation - but I do enjoy a margarita. I had some serious gas pains at first - never experienced anything like that before and had to go to my PCP. I discovered that I could massage the pain away. Occasionally I still get some pretty sharp gas pains - but now I know what they are. Re the tears - I didn't actually break into tears, but there were some times when I was pretty close. I was tired, sore and pretty scared about what to expect next. Although I knew the weight would not melt off, I guess deep down I kind of expected that it would and that I would wake up one day skinny! It's been a fabulous trip though - dropping sizes pretty steadily. I started at a 28, I'm now wearing an 8. I guess that one day I DID wake up skinny! Re the dizziness - that can come from lots of sources - check with your doc - but be very sure that if nothing else you are getting your liquids in. I'm really familiar with that issue - dearest Old Bear has lots of health issues - and one of our big problems is keeping him very well hydrated. If he gets "dried out" he gets dizzy and has come close to passing out. Drink your water!!!! If I can be of any help I'd be happy to. In the meantime, I didn't realize that there was a support group here - I hope you are able to hook into that - it will help. I too am married to a simply wonderful man, who weighs 102 soaking wet! Rog has had a ball watching me. He's still watching me when I eat, and can tell if I've taken a too large bite. It is not comfortable. The only thing I can do is stand up, and walk a little, sipping water while I do so. That seems to jiggle it loose. I do all my shopping at the White Elephant in Green Valley. You need to make a trip there. Every stitch of clothing I've worn since about last July has come from there - darn near free - and really fine quality. I call it "renting" my clothes. I go in, spend $20 and walk out with 3 dresses ($2.00 each) 4 pairs of shorts ($1.00 each) a couple suits ($4.00 each) shoes ($2.00 pair) maybe some sleevless tops ($1.00). I wear those clothes for about 3 weeks, then donate them back and buy some more. I buy my underwear at WalMart - everything else, including slips and handbags, comes from the Elephant! Good luck - and welcome to the best trip you'll ever take - other than the one down the aisle with your spouse! Mom Bear
on 5/26/06 3:10 pm - Phoenix, AZ
Hi Karen, I take 20 mg Paxil (Paroxetine) daily. My nurses crushed it at the hospital (YUCK!) but I've taken it whole with no problems. I bought a pill cutter for my other meds... works very well. With my Lap-Band surgery, it's been suggested that I take no pills larger than an M&M. I agree with the others that you need to talk to your doctor and/or pharmacist soon regarding your Celexa. I think it will help you tremendously to get back on the meds... especially with the crying. Good luck! Pam from Phoenix P.S. Walking 30 minutes a day should be sufficient exercise for you at one week out. You need to heal, so please get as much rest as possible! Don't try to do too much too soon.
on 5/26/06 4:52 pm - Mesa, AZ
Hi Karen, Sure hope that you are feeling better and are able to go to the Tucson support group. I took Celexa for a long period, but I do not know if you can cru**** Your Doc or the Pharmarcist can tell you that...however, I can tell you that I was switched to Zoloft (which is also a Seotonin reuptake drug) and for a few days I had to stop taking it "cold turkey" and I had very WILD nightmares and crazy dreams as well. You might be experiencing withdrawl symptoms. Check with your doc. OK? I had to open my zoloft capsules and mix with applesauce finally. Also, certain opiate drugs will cause strange dreams like percoset, darvocet, vicodin etc. If you are able to sip fluids, you might try Carnation Instant Breakfast. It will give you some of the protein you need. I hope that every day you will feel stronger and healthier & smaller... Take care. Robin
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