Sandy in Tucson - Exercise ?

Sheryl Tilley
on 5/9/06 6:03 am - Prescott, AZ
Hi Sandy! I think you said once that you didn't exercise the first 6 months or something like that. Can you tell the rest of us what motivated you to get exercising and what keeps you exercising -- maybe like 'what do you tell yourself?' I really admire you -- you exercise guru!! Hugs! Sheryl
Sandy in Tucson
on 5/9/06 10:15 am - Tucson, AZ
I was very sick the first 6 months. I had that staph infection that came out in the incision at 7 weeks--it came from something dirty when they operated on me at St. Lukes.. I had two holes in the incision 3"-3" inches deep...3"-3" inches across...lots of drainage. had to have nurse pack them daily for a month. I was on 5 diff antibiotics to clear the staph up, then I got pneumonia 2 times...back to back. I was a walking death case after surgery. Plus at 347 lbs I did not feel like moving much. What motivated me....was I am was sick and tired of being ill. I looked at the obese at Walmart and they are in those motorized carts....young and old...well I was not going to be one of them. No way. But, I was headed there. So, after I got better and a 100 lbs down about last June 1st I started water aerobics at the Park and was called cardio blast...deep water. No touching the sides of the pool for one full hour. Seriously. I loved it and hated it. It cost like $60 for 6 weeks of classes. I lost about 20 lbs in that I was feeling even I got my bike repaired. Like $150 for new tires...tubes...brakes and tune up.....I had have new helmet---vest--head light....thatt help build even more cardio because I rode hills about 8 miles at time....the more cardio I did the better and easier it got. The pounds came off easier. I use Unjury protein--Profect---or liquid Isopure....the protein keeps me exercsie. I believe in it...Yes, I do. The more I lost....the more I knew diet is a portion of the weight loss thing. Then I saw others in my support group stop losing weight at about 215 lbs maybe 200 lbs. Why? they refused to do cardio....the hardly moved at all actually. This scared me. They never go to support groups now because they got to about 60-70 lbs of goal....and stopped losing. This scared me more. Seriously. I went to 2 different OH Phx and Costa much info on exercise and weight loss at the conventions. I hate to compare myself to other WLS patients.....but I sat there and decieded...Sandy are we going to be happy with 2/3 of the excess weight off or are we going to do this right? I am 55 yrs more 2nd chances for health. I had to do this right. I just said self.......Do what your protein cost like $110 a what you drive to 3 different support groups a what you track your calories daily on what this weight loss is your main mission......Call me me whatever....but the weight is coming off one lb per week now...I have never plateaued. My support group just bought a $2,300 Tanita scale....we have 700 members....and the ones that do attend meeting pay $5.00 a month to do so...and this $ bought the scale. The scale is wonderful. It tells me how many calories I can eat to maintain my current if you cut back on that figure say 250 calories per day...walk 250 claories per day....In one week you loose 1 lb....this weight loss business is not a guessing game. I have learned nuitrition and what it takes excercise wise to keep the scale moving. It is all science. No wonder Jenny Craig--Nutra System get big bucks. I should buy a size 8 something to be even more motivated. But, I have not. I wear size 12's comfortably. I love the new me....I love my new friends since surgery....90% are fellow WLS people. Most of my old friends are morbid obese and have no interest in weight loss or exercise. We still talk, but I had to find others in my WLS support group who are determined to get to goal, too. We walk together---alot. Man, I can go on and on. Everyday excites me about this WLS is a miracle. And no way am I going not to be a total weight loss sucess. Dr. Fang is amazed-totally amazed I am still losing weight so far out. He told me straight out most weight loss patients stop losing at about 12 months. Many say they do not consider the surgery as the cure and end all to weight me many do. This wonderful surgery is a tool to get to goal and to stay there. You to find out what your path is to that goal. My path is strict diet control---exercise. My friend who was self pay was at goal at 11 months and we are the same age and was the same weight to start with. She was more determined than me I have not always had good days with my eating. But, she told me since she paid Dr. Fang near $25,000 of her hard earned $.....there was no way she was not gettting to goal....she is now on her 2nd round of plastics. She looks amazing. To me she had stronger determination that I do...because she paid for the surgery. Maybe the insurance companies know most self-pays are more successful at weight loss than people who got the surgery paid for through insurance. Man I can rattle. Bottom some point all WLS have to make the i happy with 2/3 of the weight off or am I going to get to gaol and what am I going to do to gethere. That means goal setting and sticking to matter if you loose old or boy friends on the way. Sandy
Sandy in Tucson
on 5/9/06 10:48 am - Tucson, AZ
Getting talk about exercise and determination is spell I love to go on and on about. TY for listening. Sandy
on 5/9/06 11:28 am - Tucson, AZ
Hi Sandy my name is Caroline Urbano i live here in Tucson and would really like to meet with you to exercise if we can?? i need someone like you can you please call me 331-8456 Thanks...
Sandy in Tucson
on 5/9/06 12:01 pm - Tucson, AZ
I will be walking up Tumamoc hill Thrus night. 6 pm, 3.3 miles 700 ft elevation gain....some from my work will be there...not sure how many could be 3 could be zero.. I will be there 6 pm by the green gates at the bottom of the hill--bring lots of water. I went up the hill 4 times last week. Yesterday and today I walked at 9:30 am at Saguaro National Park East for like one hour. I drive a school bus. So, I do things mid-day because I have break mid-day. I will have more time after school is out May 24th...then I will work 4-6 hrs per day in the entire month of July...I will be broke so I will walk, swim, hike or something daily to stay busy and away from the stores. Sandy Where do you live? I live off Houghton Rd...near Escalante...ok
on 5/10/06 1:20 am - Layton, UT
Sandy, You totally rock! Wow! What an amazing story of resolve and commitment to health! Your pic is beautiful and you are an incredible example of the magic that can happen with staying on track and commiting to an exercise program. I share your passion for hiking but unfortunately can't round up many to go with me in my area. I am spooked by hiking alone! LOL! I wish I lived closer but will some day make a point of joining you. I have yet to see the beautiful sites of your mountains! I look forward to my summer hiking to waterfalls in Idaho, Utah, Montana and Wyoming and only wish there was more time to drive to the cooler areas the next few months to hike other areas. High Fives your direction! Joyce
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