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Life is grand, my friend!
We had a couple of rumbles of thunder yesterday, but no rain. Looks like a wet week, though. I have errands to run today, now that I'm cleared to drive again. Nothing big, just have to go pay my Kohl's bill that I forgot to send . Dang...hate to do that, but it's a good thing I caught it before I have to pay a late fee and it's a ding on my credit.
Might see about getting a couple of drawstring pants while I'm there. My belly's still swollen a bit and I'm not sure I can wear my regular pants. All of them are button/zip, so I have to have something to wear to work. Good excuse to shop!
Hope you have a good and relaxing day today. Take care!
Saturday was a great day. We went to LR and went to the Imax and saw Transformers 2. First time at an Imax theater. It was really good. But my bum was still vibrating went we left. Took a few minutes to get my hearing back too. LOL. Then we met up with my nephew and went out to eat. Then the three of us went to the American Idols concert. Holy Cow!! It was a full house. 17,000 people there. Sold out!! It was a great concert. We had went to one a couple years ago. This one was soooo much better. I thought the roof was gonna blow off when Adam came out and then I was just hoping the balcony would hold. Then it got even worse when Kris came out. Needless to say, couldn't hear a dadgum thing when I left there either. It was a long concert. Started about 7 and got over about 10:15. Then had to drive back to Hot Springs. We were so tired but it was so much fun.....
Anybody else out there go to the concert?
Yesterday worked in the yard till it started storming...Wow did it storm.
Hope everybody has a great day!
Sybul, good for you! I am so looking forward to feeling able to not just do things but really wear myself out from doing them and not be exhausted just because I'm fat. Congrats on your 16 yr old's volunteer spirit! Get it while the gettin's good. LOL
hope things go well with the visitor at work.
Sounds like Eddie is one lucky kid. Glad he's in your life.
By just having surgery I get out of a lot of "stuff". Vacuuming, taking out the trash, carrying groceries. Hmmm, wonder how long I can milk this? LOL
Take care, glad to see you around
Glad you werent hurt when you took the tumble. Let us know what happens with the foot. You say it gets discolored? Hmmmm, that doesn't sound good, my dear.
I know just how you feel, wanting to go back to work for a rest. I so enjoy where I work, who I work with, and what I do that it's a joy to go there everyday. Not that I don't enjoy being home, I just like work too...LOL
MMMM a halibut sandwich. Man, that sounds really, really good