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I'm off on Mondays, and can move my schedule around however it takes to get together. Let us know, I feel a Starbuck's get together coming!!
You CAN do this!

I have changed shifts, days etc on the new job and now work 4 x 10 hour days and have 3 off.. so off on Sun, Mon, Tues and work Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat. And sure it will change in the next month or so again. I come to class in LR the week of the 10th so I might be able to visit with some fellow OH people! FINALLY! will keep you up to date and glad your surgery went well.
Best Wishes
That concert sounds like it was a lot of fun! Sorry you got rained on yesterday. I wi****'d rained in my neck of the woods; it would have justified my spending the day doing nothing, ha ha.
Actually, it was a decent day yesterday. All my babies came home from FL Friday night, so we spent the weekend hugging them. Yesterday we had a shrimp boil for dinner since my picky teenage eater proclaimed she loves it. The little ones seemed to enjoy it, too. My poor pouch, not so much. I think it was too spicy. I kept down some of the potatoes but that was about it. We watched Shrek 3 with the kids and then Yes Man. Then Megan and I watched Bride Wars. It was a movie day for sure.
I did not run this weekend; I think I've had a stomach virus. Things seem a little more normal today though now I have a headache, likely because bills are due :-(. I think a run tonight will be a very good thing for me.
There's a lot to be said for drawsting and elastic wasted pants. Me personally, I have trouble with fly and button pants because I have a small waist and big butt. So I can never get them to fit right. You just have to adapt to whatcha got I reckon.