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on 7/27/09 7:31 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Support Group at Dr. Luttrell's Office
I think most of us go to the support group at Baptist.



on 7/27/09 7:27 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: HEY!!!
Hey Kiddo!

I'm off on Mondays, and can move my schedule around however it takes to get together. Let us know, I feel a Starbuck's get together coming!!




on 7/27/09 7:23 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Waiting . . .
This is usually the hardest part of the journey. The good news is that we're almost into August...just a few days away!  So, your wait is only one or two months. Not so bad, really. It took me 5 months for approval and then my date (by choice) was 5 weeks later.

You CAN do this!



on 7/27/09 6:18 am - Hot Springs Village, AR
Topic: Waiting . . .
I finally turned in the last of my paperwork at Dr. Baker's office today. Unfortunately, there is a waiting list for Medicare patients. I'm hoping for a surgery date in September or October. The waiting is going to be tough because I feel so ready for it now.
AmyBeth :)
on 7/27/09 5:26 am - Fort Smith, AR
Topic: RE: HEY!!!
Here! in spirit always.......

I have changed shifts, days etc on the new job and now work 4 x 10 hour days and have 3 off.. so off on Sun, Mon, Tues and work Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat.  And sure it will change in the next month or so again.  I come to class in LR the week of the 10th so I might be able to visit with some fellow OH people! FINALLY!  will keep you up to date and glad your surgery went well.

Best Wishes
on 7/27/09 3:56 am - Malvern, AR
Topic: Support Group at Dr. Luttrell's Office
Do any of you participate in this group?
on 7/27/09 12:47 am - Pearcy, AR
Topic: RE: Happy Monday!!
Sounds like you had a great time this weekend too. Glad you got to see those babies.


on 7/27/09 12:45 am - Pearcy, AR
Topic: RE: Picture
Yes it is. I have a pair of red pants too!!! I also got real brave and bought a pair of capris that are light cream or maybe they are off white, whatever. Anyway, I used to wear nothing except black, navy blue or dark brown pants. Nice to wear light colors again.


(deactivated member)
on 7/27/09 12:43 am - Maumelle, AR
Topic: RE: Happy Monday!!

That concert sounds like it was a lot of fun!  Sorry you got rained on yesterday.  I wi****'d rained in my neck of the woods; it would have justified my spending the day doing nothing, ha ha.

Actually, it was a decent day yesterday.  All my babies came home from FL Friday night, so we spent the weekend hugging them.  Yesterday we had a shrimp boil for dinner since my picky teenage eater proclaimed she loves it.  The little ones seemed to enjoy it, too.  My poor pouch, not so much.  I think it was too spicy.  I kept down some of the potatoes but that was about it.  We watched Shrek 3 with the kids and then Yes Man.  Then Megan and I watched Bride Wars.  It was a movie day for sure.

I did not run this weekend; I think I've had a stomach virus.  Things seem a little more normal today though now I have a headache, likely because bills are due :-(.  I think a run tonight will be a very good thing for me.

on 7/27/09 12:39 am - Pearcy, AR
Topic: RE: Happy Monday!!
It stormed here all afternoon yesterday. We got two inches of rain. I hate when I forget a payment.
There's a lot to be said for drawsting and elastic wasted pants. Me personally, I have trouble with fly and button pants because I have a small waist and big butt. So I can never get them to fit right. You just have to adapt to whatcha got I reckon.


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