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on 8/1/09 5:27 am - AR
Topic: RE: New picture

WOW Sybul,
you look great, keep up the good work.

on 8/1/09 2:07 am - Fordyce, AR
Topic: RAIN!!!!
Well, dont know bout everyone else, but I think its gonna rain forever in our neck of the woods.  We live on a hill called Stoney Point, and there is truth to that, but I do believe a rock squished under Mikes boot this morning!!
Good day to stay in and rest, and since thats what the Doctor ordered yesterday, it shouldnt be hard to do.  That and the demorall pills he put me on, resting really isnt an option.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, and enjoys time in w/family!!  Im gonna stay in and keep the ole ankle elevated.  Hope to have better news soon, if not, I think Im just gonna get Mike and his dad to amputate.  If I were a bull, they'd have shot me by now, hmmmmm.

Rhonda D.
on 7/31/09 12:58 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: New picture

What an amazing difference, Sybul. I'm sure you feel as good as you look. Keep it up, my dear!



Sybul C.
on 7/31/09 4:31 am - Alma, AR
Topic: New picture

I posted a new picture today if you want a look see.

on 7/31/09 2:14 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: still here....just quiet
Honey, I'm so proud of you for taking care of Tammy. Sometimes these things are blessings in disguise.

The boys are doing okay, Sherlock is getting very old and I'm not sure he'll be around when you come to the Walk.

Take good care of yourself, my friend!

Hugs back at ya



Sybul C.
on 7/30/09 9:01 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: TGIF...for some people

Here I was looking forward to Friday all week and then go and agree to come back to work tonight for the 11-7 shift.  I need to practice what I preach and just say no!  We've had a nurse out on medical leave (sound familiar?) and the other nurses have been pretty good about putting in the extra shifts to cover.  I figure it's time to bite the bullet and take my turn at bat.  It's been a while since I pulled an all nighter but I can do it.  This old crone will just have to come home and take a quick nap before going back, lol.  On the bright side, I am caught up with my paperwork so I'm feeling pretty good about that.  Changing the subject, I was having a little trouble getting in all of my water for about a week.  I got a coffee pot in my office and have been drinking too much coffee and not enough water.  I told myself not to worry, coffee is a diuretic.  I started retaining fluid big time.  Then as I was reading up on my vitamins, I discovered how coffee impedes the absorption of calcium and iron.  Also, I haven't been listening to Susan about not taking my vitamin at the same time as my calcium.  Now I know why they say nurses are the worst about doing the right thing, lol.  I'm going to call and see if they have my one year lab results in yet.  It's been a week since they drew them.  I'm curious to know what the results are.  I still need to get the ghrlin level done but I have to make a special trip to the lab itself to have it done.  Not even the local hospitals have the chilled centrifuge to run the test.  Go figure.  I am supposed to get a Dexascan done too but I'm waiting until after the first when I'll have dual insurance again so my copay won't be as much.  Found out yesterday I have to take my 90 y/o aunt to Fayetteville for a doctor appt. on the 20th.  The poor thing has a prolapsed rectum and it's driving her crazy.  I really don't think they will consider surgery on her because of her age but we have to see what they say.  It will be quite the adventure.  t just can't believe that we have to take her all the way up there when we have 3 hospitals here locally.  They don't have any surgeons here that will do the procedure.  Go figure.  That's a sign to me that surgical intervention is not the way they want to go with this.  We've been trying everything else.  I won't go into detail for the benefit of all you "I didn't need to know that" people, lol.  She hasn't been out of the nursing home except for the one hospital stay a few months back for several years.  My mother-in-law is still hanging in there.  She is 91 and on hospice at the nursing home for lung cancer.  It's just one tumor that has been growing in size slowly over the past 3 years.  She is really tired and in a lot of pain with her osteoporosis.  8he is down to 78 lbs and sleeping more and more.  We just try to keep her comfortable and pain free and give her lots of lovin'.  We have a male CNA that takes care of her during the day time.  She is so funny.  For some reason she calls him Bob, (not his name) and everyone is so used to it that they call him Bob too now.  Today the activity director has scheduled a "snowball" fight for the residents.  They get to throw marshmallows at the staff.  That will be fun.  Well, enough of my rambling on.  Just feeling sappy this morning I guess.  I do love my job.  I've always enjoyed caring for the elderly.  There is so much love and wisdom to be shared with them.  Everyone have a good weekend.

Sybul C.
on 7/30/09 10:43 am - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: How to calculate protein gms in wild game?
I found it on  Stewed wild rabbit has 50 calories and about 6 gms of protein per ounce.

on 7/30/09 7:17 am
Topic: RE: I'm officially no longer "obese"!!!!
I want a WII FIT very badly... Im trying to convince my dad into buying me one.... They are SO Much fun!!!

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 7/30/09 7:15 am
Topic: RE: Is there a special type of Iron we should take?
Ok so here is my problem that is getting fixed soon... I was getting extremly tired and dizzy, and I am on my cycle and losing a good  amt. of blood... I called Addie and she called in a prescription for me... Not sure what its called but she said its a new drug, and not rough on your GI Tract which is good mfor me... Kts a mixture of folic acid and Iron... Im hoping it will fix my problem I am having because I sure have been miserable....

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 7/30/09 4:09 am - marion, AR
Topic: still here....just quiet
hello all.....

I am still here just quiet....and enjoying my summer off.

OK there are 3 new pics of me on my profile......taken July 18-20 in Hot Springs.

I am still unemployed....dont really care tho.

Went to my plastic surgeon yesterday....he said my Bosom looks wonderful to come back in March 2010 and to consider working at

I am going to take advantage of this time off.......might go to the Memphis Zoo or Art Museum. I am living for me for once. I am not trying to please everyone and trying to make myself into something I am not just to make others happy.  I am who I am and if my family has issues thats their problem.

I sadly have not went to the gym in many weeks nor have I opened my text books on my personal trainer certification. I am just taking time off......I have many things to sort out.

All things will work out in the end. I have to get my mind right before I can progress.

I will be at the the big ole diesel dually......just stay off the sidewalks please.

Love and Kisses to all.......especially Susans boys........
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