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on 8/3/09 4:05 am
Topic: RE: New picture
You are soooooo tiny!!! Way to go!!! I am ready for my journey.........
on 8/3/09 3:58 am - AR
Topic: RE: New picture
I've heard that Dr. Roller may start a support group in Fort Smith.  Have you heard anything?
I would really love it.
on 8/2/09 10:16 pm - Malvern, AR
Topic: RE: It's Monday, again...

I have to agree with you on that.  With all of the rain that we had Saturday I guess that made for a perfect day to sleep.  Congratulations on completing your project.  I know what remodeling is like, my house was in a constant state of change for about 2 years and I am glad that it's over.

Sybul C.
on 8/2/09 9:04 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: It's Monday, again...
The only thing I look forward to about getting older is retiring.  One of these days I'll get to stop punching that old time clock.  We pretty much took the weekend off for once.  I worked my regular day on Friday from 7-3:30, went home and then went back to work the floor for 11-7 shift.  It's been a while since I pulled an all-nighter.  I slept the day away on Saturday.  Sunday, we drained the goldfish pond and scrubbed it out good and refilled it.  I'm sure our goldfish and koi appreciate it.  It was so full of algae and muck you couldn't even see the fish anymore.  After that daughter and son-in-law came by and you guessed it, I sat down and fell asleep again, lol.  Sunday evening hubby and I put Eddie's door back up to his room and hung some mini blinds in his window.  His room is now officially done!  Now we just need to finish trimming out the hall and front bathroom to be finished with the project we started at Thanksgiving.  Oh, I got a card from my GP saying my labs were all good except that I need to work on lowering my cholesterol some.  I guess it's too much red meat.  She also said my kidney function is a little low.  I need to cut back on the amount of protein I'm still taking in every day I guess.  New habits are hard to break too.  I've been having problems with retaining fluid a lot lately.  I am waiting to hear from Dr. Roller this week.  He will have gotten my test results too and will tell me what I need to do.  It's good to know that all my Vitamin and mineral levels are ok though.  Ya'll have a good week.

Sybul C.
on 8/2/09 8:47 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: RAIN!!!!
Rhonda, you're just too funny!  I'm glad that you are going to be taking it easy over the weekend.  I hope you did just that.

Sybul C.
on 8/1/09 10:52 am - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: New picture

Thanks Carol.  I'm working at it.  Just need to get back on track with the exercising.  Too many excuses lately.  I don't want ot slip back into any old habits that could undo everything I've gained this past year.

Sybul C.
on 8/1/09 10:45 am - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: New picture
Thanks Susan.  It's amazing what a difference a year can make.  I just wish they would come out with a pill to make a person look 20 years younger too, lol.

Steve M.
on 8/1/09 8:34 am - Maumelle, AR
Topic: RE: New picture
Great job Sybul!


on 8/1/09 7:07 am - Pearcy, AR
Topic: RE: New picture
Oh Sybul you look so cute!! What a difference.


on 8/1/09 6:33 am - East Camden, AR
Topic: RE: New picture
My Goodness Sybul!!!!  you look great!!!
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