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on 8/7/09 3:06 am
AmyBeth :)
on 8/7/09 1:06 am - Fort Smith, AR
Topic: RE: Finally!!
Yes Maam! I will be the white chick in the police car downtown lol!

Leaving PD here in Fort Smith Monday afternoon sometime with my cohort in crime and be arriving Monday evening and class Tues, Wed, Thur and leaving Thursday afternoon.

You still got my cell phone?

on 8/7/09 12:01 am
Topic: RE: Finally!!
I'm going to try and be there. Remind me, what time?
on 8/6/09 9:40 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Finally!!
Are you still coming to LR next week???



Sybul C.
on 8/6/09 7:55 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: Finally!!
Hey Susan, I love the new photo.  You are so pretty.

Sybul C.
on 8/6/09 7:50 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: It's Friday already!!!!
This week sure did fly by.  The storms left a mess here in Kibler.  My husband and his boss (the other half of the Kibler water and street dept.) spent all day clearing trees and limbs from streets around town yesterday.  I don't know how much rain we got but it came down so fast that all of the ditches were overflowing and covering the road the last 2-3 miles on my way home.  We didn't have any damage here thank goodness.  My rat terrier, Tinkerbell, woke us up whining at the foot of the bed at 4am.  One of her puppies got lost in an old comforter we have them  on in the closet and she woke us up to find it. 
My Aunt Toni's great-granddaughter and her family came up from Texas to visit with her.  I had never met them.  They are a lovely family.  She was so excited to see them.  She could remember who they were.  I haven't seen her smile that much in a long time.  She is 90 and has taken a downturn in her health lately.   Alzheimer's is tough.  I see her every day and about two weeks ago she suddenly quit recognizing me.  She can't remember my name any more and just calls me "nurse" when she sees me.  She doesn't want to eat any more.  Appetite stimulants aren't working either.  We moved her to a room with a sweet lady that is more active and outgoing to see if that would help stimulate her but so far it isn't working.  Her new roommate stopped a nurse in the hall the other day and asked her to "come look at that lady in the bed in my room, I think she's dead."  She was just sleeping soundly, lol.  Speech Therapy started evaluating her yesterday to see if there is anything we haven't tried with her yet.  She is the last one left in my mom's family.  My mother-in-law is sleeping a lot of the time now too.  She has been asking for a beer lately so the doctor wrote an order for up to 3 beers a day.  I went and bought her a six-pack but I doubt that she will actually drink any, lol.  We'll see.  She is 91.  She still remembers me.  She tells me how much she loves me every day and always asks for me when she wants something.  Now that's a switch, lol.  I can remember when Val and I were younger she hated me and made our lives miserable.  Nobody was good enough for her "baby boy", lol.  I'm glad to have her though.  It just goes to show it's never too late to love someone.  I wouldn't trade this time with her for anything right now.  I went by to tour the new gym that everybody from work is raving about.  It is really nice and they have a chiropractor's office right there.  That will really come in handy for me after I start my strength and toning exercises.
Oh well, I am rambling.  What is everybody up to?  I am keeping my promise and trying to post every day.  Where is everybody else?  Oh, I'm finally moving on the scales again even though it's very slowly.  I'll take whatever I can get at this point!  Ya'll have a good weekend.

on 8/6/09 9:19 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Finally!!
Before I got my new license we flew to San Diego. One of the flight attendants told me that "they" were going to start paying closer attention to things like differences in weight from the picture to the person. You might try telling them that you were told that by someone at the airport. Bet that will get you a new one.



on 8/6/09 8:37 am
Topic: RE: Finally!!
I have actually lost my license..  and they pull the same 'old fat photo from their system to give me a new one for $10...sigh.  They say they'll have to call Little Rock to get permisison... the next extra $10 and day off I'm going to insist that they do just that.
Sybul C.
on 8/6/09 8:24 am - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: Finally!!
WOW!!!   Way to go!  It won't be long before you hit onderland.  You are doing an incredible job.  Kudo's to you for keeping after the exercise too.  It's really important.  I am thrilled for you.

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