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on 8/10/09 6:52 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: What's your excuse?
Hi there,

Is that protein drink all you have for breakfast? Maybe try eating something for breakfast, then have a protein drink around 9:30 if you're getting hungry. Try for a protein rich bkfst, it will sustain you longer.

I don't know anything about your doctor's protocol, but are you allowed small snacks at all during the day? By planning on healthy snacks in your day, you are able to have something available if you do get hungry. Getting hungry is not'll often choose the wrong thing if faced without a plan.

Too bad about Luttrell moving his office. I didn't know that. NLR is a long way to go for fills. Is this last one giving you restriction?

Maybe posting something about this addressed to the Banders out there will give you some answers.



on 8/10/09 6:46 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: What's your excuse?
 Oh yeah....not ashamed to admit my excuses. First, right after surgery, I had a partial tear of my Achilles.  I had started walking every day with out fail. That took care of that. Then, a few months later I had a complete tear, four surgeries, very, very long story. But, the bottom line is that it kept me from ever REALLY getting into a routine with exercise.
Last year I had to have surgery again and was in the hospital for 4 days. I got down to 116# and my Nut told me NOT to do any cardio exercising for fear that I'd lose more. So, here I am a little over a year after that, back up to my "fightin'" weight and have gained a few more than I wanted to.

I think I've had some good excuses to not exercise, and the months it took me to regain to a healthy weight have taken me out of that mind set that I was in while losing. So, now I'm working really hard at getting in my protein first and trying to limit my usless carbs. I went to the gym today to see if it's the one I want to join....only 3 miles and 6 minutes away and a pretty nice place, too. Waiting to see if Gary wants to join too before I make the commitment.

One thing I have NEVER stopped doing is journaling. is like my diet Bible. In fact, I'm going to Dallas for 4 days next month and I'm already worried about how I'm going to keep track...LOL. Guess I'll just write it down and journal it when I get home. Sounds like a plan!



on 8/10/09 12:54 am - Malvern, AR
Topic: RE: What's your excuse?

You're not alone in the excuse department and I'm not even at 6 months yet.  It's hard to get yourself into a routine and stick with it.  I struggle every day.  Keep hanging in there!

I also seem to have issues with getting hungry after meals.  I don't know if I'm not eating healthy enough, but it seems that before I go to bed I am hungry again.  Usually for supper I eat 3 oz fish patty with 2 tbls veggies and some applesauce.

I don't know if I am eating too early or what.  I know that I get up at 4am take my medicine and drink a protine shake, leave for work by 5:30am and by 9:30am I am hungry.  Is this normal with the lapband?

I wish you all the best and hope you get to your goal.

* preop - 226 lbs * postop - 221 lbs * current - 214 lbs
3.2 cc in 10cc band 
Live like it matters...............

Sybul C.
on 8/9/09 7:11 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: What's your excuse?
I'm just barely over a year out from surgery and already I find myself making excuses not to follow a healthy lifestyle.  My big problem is exercise.  Since the whole gallbladder thing, I have been terrible about getting it in.  I tell myself I'm too tired in the evening as I park my butt on the couch to watch a little TV to unwind.  Then TV watching leads to wanting a snack.  I have to really fight that one.  I've started saving calories to eat some fruit or something when that craving hits.  What I really need to do is qui****ching TV while sitting on my bottom.  I am going to start turning on the Wii and doing the stepper thing while I watch.  That way I can feed my addiction to tv and get some benefit out of it at the same time, lol.  I'm finding that I don't journal my food every day all the time either.  I can now hold 1/2 cup at a time when I eat.  Why does that scare me?  According to the literature that is about right a year out, isn't it?  I know that if I don't stick to a healthy regimine I too will be complaining about gaining my weight back.  I haven't even reached my goal yet, groan.  Trigger foods are the pits too.  I have discovered that I can't keep any kind of chip or cracker in the house.  It's too tempting to eat too many.  I bought some guilt free ice cream but it just sits in the freezer thank goodness.  I still don't desire sweets since surgery.  At least that's one thing in my favor.  I'm renewing my comittment to my goal of a healthier lifestyle and going back to the basics.  I want to see those last pounds gone forever!

Sybul C.
on 8/9/09 6:56 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: Helloooooo!!!! Where is everyone?
I rue the day I started remodeling the living room!  One thing has led to another and it's a never ending process, lol.  We live in a mobile home and have been pulling out just about everything and redoing it.  We have finally finished the living room, hall, front bathroom, and my son's room.  Next it's on to the kitchen, master bedroom and bath.  I'm saving for new appliances before I tackle the kitchen though.  It looks more like a home with real wood trim and the strips gone on all the seams on the wall panels.  We pulled up all the carpet and that has made a big difference.  Living in the country with pets you can imagine what a chore that was to keep clean.  Now I just dustmop the floors and mop and I'm done.  Made a big difference with the allergies too.  You need to say hi more often though.  We miss you when you're not around.

Sybul C.
on 8/9/09 6:47 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: Been checking out the weight regain board
Yep, that's the site.  Scared me into being more diligent with my food tracking and exercising and following the rules to the letter.  Mine has been the exercise thing since my surgery.  I am going to hop on the Wii this morning before work.  That's a good idea.  I use the excuse that I'm too tired at the end of the day too. 

Sybul C.
on 8/9/09 6:44 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: Been checking out the weight regain board
Me too, Wendy.  I never want to get to where I was again, ever.  I had to admit to myself that I was where I was because of my choices.  Once I owned it, I found it easier to manage.  I got the impression that a lot of people on the site feel like the surgery is supposed to be a cure instead of a tool. 

on 8/9/09 12:11 pm - AR
Topic: RE: Helloooooo!!!! Where is everyone?
I'm remodeling!  It's time consuming - but rewarding.  We're to the point of SEEING the fruits of our labor.  I use almost every spare moment I have on that.  The only time I get on is when I'm taking a break!!!
on 8/9/09 12:08 pm - AR
Topic: RE: Been checking out the weight regain board
I've always tried to keep that mentality from DAY 1. 

I've always told myself, "If you start eating like a morbidly obese woman again, you will BE a morbidly obese woman again."

Telling yourself that when you have weak moments really does help!  (With me it always helps anyway!)
on 8/9/09 12:06 pm - AR
Topic: RE: Self Pay info
I forgot to answer your second question!  I think Dr. Baker is the best (obviously - that's who I used)!!!

But I have also heard wonderful things about Dr. Gibbs. 

If I had it to do over again, I'd use Dr. Baker again in a heartbeat.  If I HAD to use someone else, I'd use Dr. Gibbs. 
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