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on 8/11/09 9:32 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Where are all the Little Rock people???????
I posted about 2 hrs ago, but only one person has read it.

Is your cell on? I called you about 30 minutes ago.



on 8/11/09 8:48 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Anybody going to stay up to watch the meteor showers?
I probably won't stay up, but we're usualy up early enough that we might catch it. Gary used to have a HUGE telescope....too bad we left it in San Diego!



Sybul C.
on 8/11/09 8:01 am - Alma, AR
Topic: Anybody going to stay up to watch the meteor showers?
They say that tonight will be the best night to watch the meteor showers.  The full moon will block out the smaller ones but it ought to still be a good show.

on 8/11/09 6:55 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: Short notice----Coffee tonite or tomorrow???
Sorry this is such short notice, but AmyBeth is in town and wants to see as many as possible. She's staying in Downtown LR, at the La Quinta on Broadway. There's a bar/lounge there, or the Starbuck's at Broadway and I-630.

I can do this evening around 7:00, or tomorrow 5:300-6:00ish.



Sybul C.
on 8/10/09 8:18 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: 7 months out, just found out Im prego!!!
Congratulations!    It's early to be pregnant this soon after surgery but you can handle it.  You'll have to get with your nutritionist and have a regimene set up for you to follow so the baby gets all it needs and it doesn't throw you way off track either.  I know you must be very excited.

on 8/10/09 12:12 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Where are all the Little Rock people???????
OMG. I have your phone # taped to my computer screen....looking right at me!  What an idiot!!!!

I sent you a PM, hopefully we can still pull something together.



AmyBeth :)
on 8/10/09 11:49 am - Fort Smith, AR
Topic: Where are all the Little Rock people???????
I am in Little Rock, sent Susan a PM but have not heard back from her.  Who else is out there?

on 8/10/09 10:16 am - Pearcy, AR
Topic: RE: 7 months out, just found out Im prego!!!
Congratulations!! That is so wonderful. Good luck on this journey.


Amanda H.
on 8/10/09 9:44 am - AR
Topic: 7 months out, just found out Im prego!!!
We are really excited, didnt think it would be this soon though...hehe  I am due April 14th.  Everything is goin good.  Ive lost 117 lbs.  Well, hope everyone is doing good!    Amanda

 Mama to Colton Lane-11/14/06  Camden Lee-4/14/10
starting weight-333  current weight-216  Ive lost 117 POUNDS!!!

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