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on 8/13/09 9:01 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: hello
hey Honey!!!

Lazy. That's me. I feel so sorry for not responding to your posts on Facebook, haven't been posting here, since there hasn't been much going on. Obviously, I haven't done anything to get things moving.

We talked up the Walk last night at the meeting, but there were only 11 people there, 3 had already signed up. So, I'm afraid we might not have a good showing. Hope I'm wrong.

Gotta get moving. We'll talk soon....promise!



on 8/13/09 8:56 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: I got to meet AmyBeth!!!!
thank you, thank you very much!



Sybul C.
on 8/13/09 8:29 pm - Alma, AR
Topic: RE: hello
Hey Tammy.  I think it has something to do with the "dog days of summer", lol.  All this heat just wilts everybody and they just don't want to do anything.  I did get off my duff and signed up for the gym yesterday.  I am going to start going after work every day.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I didn't stay yesterday cause I had on some old scrubs that are too big and the pants are too long ****pt having to roll them up at the waist all day, lol).  I went and got some lace up tennis shoes too since all I wear are the clog style.  At home I usually just work out barefoot.  I'm ready to go now though.  I'm thinking it will be fun to have someone to share the workouts with and help me stay on track.  I had a cat and a small dog that were both 17 when they passed away within a month of each other.  I loved them like they were my children.  Have a good day! 

on 8/13/09 4:12 pm - marion, AR
Topic: hello
just poppin in to say hi and remind everyone to register for the walk in sept.

so far only a few have registered....A BIG KUDOS TO YOU!!!!

I am still unemployed. Still dont care. Totally not worked out in 2 months. Barely used my pool. Have studied little.....

no its not depression......its shock from being unemployed for the 1st time in 7 yrs.

ok so anyhow....hope all is well with everyone is Sherlock? It sadens me to think of him. I lost my Mozart last yr...he is a cat and was 16....the vet laughed and said.....WOW we dont get many early 1990's models in here! It sucks.....kiss them both for me.

Have a good Friday everyone......My son is coming home from hius dads....he left in May for the summer......I will be busy with him and last minute school shopping as school starts Wednesday.

on 8/13/09 12:53 pm
Topic: RE: I got to meet AmyBeth!!!!
That's still a  great choice of food Susan!  Thank you very much! And might I say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your new profile ppicture... You look Absolutely Stunning Darling!

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 8/13/09 12:48 pm - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: I got to meet AmyBeth!!!!
Actually, I had 1/2 of a small chili on top of a baked potato. AmyBeth had the salad and the Asian Chicken nuggets(well, 2 of them, I think).

So proud of you both!



on 8/13/09 12:45 pm
Topic: RE: Where are all the Little Rock people???????
Im super sad I  issed you guys tonight =( I will see you all at the walk from obesity in September, and then at the November Support group meeting! Love you all VERY VERY VERY Mucho!

kisses, Courtney

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 8/13/09 12:40 pm
Topic: RE: I got to meet AmyBeth!!!!
Glad you had  a great time... I wish I could have met her. She looks like a very nice young lady!
I am also very happy to see that you ate at Wendy's and had a salad and chili... My dad and I ate their the other day and had those same items =) I love my new life eating healthier... It makes me feel so great!

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 8/13/09 6:40 am - Alexander, AR
Topic: RE: Where are all the Little Rock people???????
Sadness, squared!  You guys are going to miss a RIVETING discussion on whole grains and fiber. Your loss....LOL



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