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As far as an ortho doc....Larry Nguyen( pronounced Win) at OrthoArkansas. I wouldn't be walking if it weren't for him. Seriously.
A get together would be awesome. I have to work late every night this week, so let's try for next week?
We'll put it out there and see what sticks. Let's bombard Steve with posts and PM. Gotta get that man back on here!
Congratulations on the surgiversary! I barely noticed mine... I guess that goes to show how much life has changed this last year. :)
Yup, in retrospect I was a damn fool for trying that. I'd like to think I'll go out earlier! I set my alarm today and everything and slept right on through it... I'll give it an honest effort tomorrow AM. That means I better shut 'er down soon!
I would love to get together. We need to pick a date and make it happen. Have you heard from Steve? He's been pretty quiet, too.
Who's your pick for Ortho, out of curiosity? Dr. Martin used to be in Martin, Bowen, & Hefley, but apparently he broke off from them. My appointment isn't until next month, so I have time to hunt around. The knee is just a minor issue... just trying to anticipate any bigger problems that may emerge. The way it pops it makes me think it's a tracking thing that'll eventually wear down my cartilage. That would suck!
In the meantime, I'll hide out in the A****il I become one of you crazy morning people. What's your secret? ;)
I still feel somewhat awkward, but not as bad as I did in the beginning. I just smile and fake it now. ;)
I started running in January. Actually, it was more of a feeble jog, but it eventually got me there. My pace is still terribly slow but I think the distance is my motivating factor. I did a program called couch-to-5k on -- it's designed to literally take you from the couch to running a 5k in 12 weeks. It might be a little too basic for you if you have an exercise background, but you could always start further into the program. Another good resource is I've been running pretty exclusively outside; the fresh air and scenery is really good for me mentally. A treadmill is too boring, IMO, but with this weather, I'm becoming desperate!
There's a store in Conway, Sporty Runner, that sells these bands that are supposedly miracle workers when it comes to holding down the girls. I can't remember exactly what they're called, but they were developed by a woman in Hot Springs and are marketed primarily at all the marathon expos around the country now. BUT -- you can find them at Sporty Runner. ;)
My blood sugar issues aren't quite as dramatic as yours, though I definitely feel it after 30-45 minutes. I make sure my loop takes me past my water bottle at least once per mile and I keep a stash of those sports gels, too. If I run longer than 30 minutes I'll use one about every 30 minutes based on my fatigue level. I always eat a banana ~30 min before I run and always another after I finish, and then something a little more substantial with protein soon after that. I don't carry a fanny pack, just put my bottle and gels behind the car tire and run past it every so. often. I'm scared to buy one that I'll hate, but I can tell I need to find some fuel belt for runs that go any longer than what I've been doing.
Good luck with school starting! It was a good day for us.
oh well.....I guess you stop counting after a while.....ummmm like I am going to admit that on may 26 2010 I will be 40....ummmm no!!!!! so mark your calendars now as I will not be reminding anyone.
hope everyone had a good day
and to those who started back to school.....hope their days went well also
I am no professional but I do have immediate access to books and also 2 friends who are trainers.
of course trainers and their info differs. just like everyother career out there. everyone does something different.
kiss the boys..
So glad you're still able to ride. Did you like Dr Nguyen? Sounds like a good course of treatment. He's conservative, but not overly so.
Please take great care of yourself. Have to be ready for the big event!
Hugs from Baxter/Sherlock to you!
Glad the kiddos are back in school. Lots to be said for routine, huh?
So, when do we get to have a cuppa together???