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Keep up those good thoughts and prayers. I'll keep you posted
Hi, Amy,
I remember that feeling very well! The first few days were the worst but the 4th day was sooo much better! I remember laying in the hospital bed praying to pass gas and the first time I did I was so excited I txted my hubby, lol. It will get better every day. Walking helps, a lot! Doc Gibbs' post op instructions for home said if the gas was really painful then I could use a dulcolax suppository, but it never came to that for me. I just walked laps through the living room and kitchen every so often.
Also, my nutritionist said not to start on protien shakes until the Saturday after my surgery on Monday, but yours may have different guidelines or whatever. The most important thing at this point, I think, is to concentrate on fluids.
Feel better soon!
We started out the day with a casual conversation about how she wasn't getting the right food for a person with WLS, and now, that's the LEAST of her problems. Early this afternoon I got a text from her saying they were inserting a chest tube to drain blood out of her chest cavity. About 90 mins ago I received another message saying they're bringing in a blood specialist, most likely to address the infection that they can't seem to locate.
I got Lauren involved with the food situation, so that's going to get better....hopefully.
Will post as often as I hear things.