getting upset
in 5 days i will be having my surgury and i have yet get any one to help me with my page you know to decorate it and i have no angle and it is time almost i am scared please someone help my pitcher is located on yahoo profiles under judy eich and i have a pitcher there icant figure out how to move it and i dont have my own website and dont know how but i would like some help i have written to tech. supprort and nothing and i would like an angel to look after me sorry guys i am just so scared and i just dont know take a look at my page judy eich thank hyou
You may have noticed that this state board isn't an extremely active one, which explains why you may not get many answers. I wanted to try and help some if I can.
To get an angel, you need to ASK someone you admire, respect, trust, etc. to do that for you. Some people offer if they feel a connection with you, but usually you need to reach out to someone specific. Not sure what an angel is or how to be/get one? explains it very well.
To get your page gussied up - send an email request to [email protected] and give them your OH name, user ID (which is under your name on your profile) and the email address you use here on the site.
If you want your picture posted so it shows up on the message board when you post, send it OR the link you have it at on yahoo to [email protected] with the same info you have for html help AND indicate it's for the message board
I wish you tons of success on your journey. For now, breath deep and try to relax. (((HUGS))), Toots