surgery postponed for 3 weeks
I was all ready for surgery at Baptist. And they started to put the epidural in and another nurse gave me some calming pre-op medicine in my IV called Versed. They had some trouble with the epidural and had to pull it out and redo it, so the other nurse gave me another dose of Versed and I started to have a severe allergic reaction to it. My throat started hurting and burning, then swelling, and my lungs started feeling like there was fluid and I couldn't breathe. Respitory came in and put me on oxygen and gave me updrafts and they couldnt clear the lungs out good enough and the Dr and anestisioligist didnt feel comfortable doing surgery on me. So the Dr said to totally quit smoking and we would reschedule in 3 weeks as long as I am not smoking.
My back is still sore from the epidural.
I was soo scared in my the pre-op room when they were getting me ready, I cried. I was worried about what if something goes wrong and all that. So maybe that allergic reaction was a sign telling me that today was not my day.
I'm sorry you had such a hard time. I've quit smoking for 6 mo now. You can do it. I'm 9 days post op and doing good. Don't feel so great today. I think I over did it. My back was very sore from the epidural as well. Dr. Baker will not do surgery on a smoker. He has to know without a doubt that you aren't smoking. Are you having lap surgery? I hope you get better soon. I've lost 18 pounds as of today.
It's got to be tough getting that close and hitting a setback, but they made the wise choice in letting you recover from your reaction. Also, especially with any lung problems, you really need to quit smoking. Smoking is tied to many of the complications that people experience. You are doing this to be healthy, so don't start out by sabotaging yourself. It isn't easy, but you can do this!
Good luck in October...
Good luck. I'm not as far as you as getting ready for surgery but I have the fatty liver thing and Dr. Wellborns office finally called me back after I left 2 messages about the fact that I was diagnosed with that and they told me that before they schedule me they'll want me on some low fat diet for 2 wks prior. But just remember they are thinking of your health!
Just take it day by day
Think of the surgery and your goal
You can do it!!!