Looking for DS
Anyone here who has had or is planning DS surgery? I don't want RNY and suppose that means I'll have to go out of state. Actually, the local doc in FS, Dr. Goodman, said that he does DS in LR - my guess is that it's under supervision. But he's said some other stuff that is plain old misinformation, and we all know that our good outcome chances are increased dramatically according to the skill of the surgeon.
Just looking for an Arkansas DS buddy.
HI - not sure if you've posted to the DS board yet or not...but if not, I'd highly recommend it. Good luck!
Well HI Tooter! Are you in Arkansas??? I've read your great replies on both of those boards and admire you a lot. Thanks for taking time to reply.
Yep I've posted to the main DS forum and was just looking for an Arkansas buddy. And ...should that buddy have already had the surgery and would be willing to walk with me through the process ( talked to PCP first time today now trying to de-mystify the process and figure out the next step) that would be even better. Mostly , what I'd love is to find out about the surgeons as close as possible.
ah that makes sense! I hope you find that which you seek
No I'm not in Arkansas - I'm in WA - but I float about 60 boards a day when it's slow looking for people who need help. Friday's are slow on the main so I get to hit the state boards
Nice to "meet" you and I'll hope you find your local DS buddy. Have you tried doing a scan of surgeries in your state and emailing people who've had the DS near you? Some never come to the state board. Just a thought. Hugs, Toots
No I haven't and that is a great suggestion. I'll get right on it!
That's probably actually a safer way. I've been flamed at least five times (never on an OH board) over saying I only want DS - one person even implied that the only reason someone would want DS is because they want to be able to "live" fat and depend only upon malabsorption - in other words, cheat.
So I felt like I was taking a chance here even bringing it up. It's a lot harder to find a DS-er when you live so far from anyplace that does it. About the closest I've discovered is Memphis, a 5hr drive.
Thanks again for your help.