Hey Debbie?
I got a letter from Ark. Rehab. I wanted to see what you'd make of it.
It is an order of selection letter? Saying that people that are most severely disabled will receive priority for paid for services? Based upon medical information obtained and a review of your rehabilitation potential, you are eligable and are being placed in:
Category I (most severely disabled)
I called the case worker and she said that when she turned the other womans paper work in she imediately got calls asking for this and that document and needing all kinds of information and it took a long time. But, she said that she has not heard anything from them on me so far. And as far as she can tell, my file is pretty complete on my part and I should have more than enough documentation. Should I be excited just yet? Do they have a requirement to decide by a certain amount of time? I mean, how long can it take them to decide? She just said that it took a while for the other woman, because they kept asking for other stuff on her. And it can take a long time. I mean it has been since March 4th already! Almost five months since I started all this!Supposedly they have had the paperwork for at least a month, maybe two?
I want to be excited, but I just can't help being a bit pessamistic (sp?) I can't even spell the word!...LOL...
It sounds like you are on you way to surgery hun!!! It may take a while. I had waited about this long and then I got mad and so did my mom. We Called and e-mailed John W. Wyvill. And they hadn't even recieved my papers. So my mom said I can tell you this if yall drag you feet and my Daughter dies I will sue yall and I will take it to congress. The next day I was approved. So sometimes you just have to get them off there butts. But your case sounds great to me.
Hugs Debbie Moya
Dr. Baker