Just home from thee hospitol
Yes, I got very sick all of the sudden. One minute I am feeling fine; the next my legs and arms hurt so bad that if it had only been in one leg or arm; I think I would have had a broken bone. Never hurt so much like that in my life!. Then I got cold, REAL COLD! Then the vomiting and then I couldn't hardly breath. Took my temp and it was 104.8! Blood pressure was 169 over 139! Woke my husband up and said you gotta take me to hospitol, somethig is wrong with me. They took blood test and exrays, ect.... Gave me a shot for the vomiting and antibiotic shot. Said your white blood count is up and maybe a little phenumonia (sp?) in right lung. If you don't feel better in the morning, call your doctor. Well it was 3:30 in the morning then. I kept telling them my leg hurt. I couldn't hardly stand for it to touch the table.They didn't even look at it.
I went home and continued to heave my toe nails up until 8 am. My leg itched so I sat on the side of the bed in the dark and scratched it. Layed down and thought " Oh my word! I think I scratched the blood out of my leg!" It hurt so bad at this point, but I felt too bad to care. I never saw my leg until I got dressed to go to the doctor. Hubby says I am takeing off and takeing you to the doctor. They said come in right now so get dressed. Folks I went in his house shoes and not even a bra. I continued to heave my toenails up in their office. My doctor took one look at my leg and said we are admitting you to the hospitol. I can't believe those idiots sent you home like this! You obviously have a bad infection. It was purple and black all the way up to the knee! They gave me two different antibiotics and packed my legs in ice. I didn't even talk to anyone for the first two days. Because of the fever I was so cold I swear my bones were rattling. Then they put me on ice and took my covers! AHHHHHH!!! Not fun. So I was in there for a week. Now I am home and not able to do anything. Supposed to keep my legs up all the time. Only to get up to go to the bathroom.
I have two letters to get to the rehab. so I may sneak out in the morning to deliver them. Just a short trip to town. I am afraid they will make thier decision without these and they are the ones from my pulmonoligst and allergist. Also they should know about the hospitol stay. Doctors said that unless I loose a considerable amount of weight this is going to be an ongoing problem. I can't spend the rest of my life in bed with my feet above my heart! They have to help. They just have to!
Well, just wanted to check in and ask for your prayers. Thanks..
Bonnie, I am so sorry you've had such a horrible time. My doctor fought every inch of the way for me to have wls. We were just dealing with Aetna PPO and was denied twice but she finally won! It's been 2 weeks and I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I am having a hard time getting all the medicine I have to take but I am working on it. I've lost 23 pounds since the surgery.
Take care and God bless!
Glenn Gay
Thanks Glen. Wow 23 pounds so far. WAY TO GO!!!
Sorry you are haveing trouble with the meds. Maybe soon you won't even need them anymore. Ofcourse I don't know what kind they are.
Still, glad you are feeling so much better.
I can't wait till I can loose so much weight and say I feel so much better. I mean that is what it is all about anyway; isn't it. Feeling better and getting healthy. Keep up the great work!

Oh my GOD Hun. I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble. You stay positive and keep after them even if it is just calling and driving them crazy. I sure am glad you are well enough to go home. Just take it easy. You sure don't need anything else happening.
All the hugs and prayers are with you.
Debbie Moya
Dr. Baker