ATTN Dr. Ozments Patients
Has anyone who used Dr. Kerry Ozment tell me when did he take your staples out? If he used staples to close you up.I live out of town and am wondering if he releases me 4 days after surgery, when will he take the staples out. Will I have to go back to Little Rock to get them taken out or does he use some other technique.Thanks for all your input
Erin N.
on 5/31/04 2:10 am - AR
on 5/31/04 2:10 am - AR
The only staples I had were the ones to divide my stomach. I had stitches to close me up. I believe I have heard of some surgeons that use staples. Maybe it depends on a persons BMI. I was considered a "lightweight" with a BMI of 41. Maybe with a heavier person staples are required. I had a friend who came from out of state and had surgery with Dr. Ozment. She had her pre-op testing on Monday, her surgery on Tuesday and was released on Friday. That is the norm. She didn't have to come back for one year. She had whatever follow up and lab tests done by her family doctor and had the results faxed to Dr. Ozment. The reason I am telling you of her experience and not mine is because if you remember from your questions about leakages I am the one who had a leak and that makes my experience not the norm.
Cathy, I am a patient of Dr. Ozment. He is AWESOME!!! He does not use staples on the outside. He uses disolvable stitches. Staples and stitches on the inside. I am one month out and I am doing great. I live in the Houston area. Me and my husband drove 8 hrs just so I could use Dr. Ozment. He is gonna call me at 6 weeks and if he thinks I am doing great then I will be going to see him in 6 months. I absolutely loved Dr. Ozment and would highly recommend him!!!
Bye, Brenda

Hi Cathy! I had surgery with Dr. O on 4/14 and he does NOT use staples on the outside to close you you don't have to worry about having any staples removed! He also does not use you don't have to worry about having those removed either! He is an amazing and highly skilled surgeon who has performed thousands of weight-loss surgeries and has perfected the technique over the years.
If you are an out-of-town patient, you do not have to go back for the 6 week check-up, his office will call you instead. You can choose to go back at 6 months and/or at 1-year, but you can also just see your PCP who can run all the necessary blood tests and fax them to Dr. O's office. Dr. O is very considerate of his out-of-town and self-paying patients and always keeps "cost" in mind to help you have this surgery at a limited expense.
Hope this helps!