I keep asking myself what else can happen. Well, Springdale Hospital is stopping the program! This is the 4th time that they have closed the door on me. Everyone keeps asking me, if I think God is trying to tell me something. I cannot tell you how much I prayed this weekend about my decision. Dr. Oman called me Friday and told me I could have it in Siloam Springs. I visited today with Dr. Alston and I will be going to Siloam Springs Wednesday morning to have surgery at 9am.
Please put me in your prayers.
Glenn Gay
So sorry to hear it. I know you've had a hard time, but God bless you, you just keep on plugging away. Good for you. You've been in my prayers each day and just think in less than 2 days, you'll be on the losing side. So, there won't be anymore surgeries at the Springdale hospital? That's so sad. I'm thinking about going to Dr. Gibbs in Little Rock.
Hi Sweetie:
I was reading the message board and I could not beleive it what was the excuse this time for closing the door on you, boy it better be a good one or I would be fit to be tied, so who is doing the surgery Dr. Oman or Alston.
I did not know that they where doing the surgery in Siloam Springs I bet the Dr. was upset it sounds like they are just giving you the run around, please call me or e-mail me as I was thinking of you this morning.
So keep that chin up and I know that God is going to be taking very good care of you and I will be saying a special prayer just for you.
Love You Sweetie: Judy
Glenn- You are definitely on my prayer list!!! Sheesh, I was so afraid you were going to say that your surgery was least it is still going to happen! You will be on the losing side in just a couple days!!! I wish you a successful surgery and speedy recovery. Please update us after your surgery to let us know how you are doing.

Sorry to hear about the hospital. But at least you do get to have it. And like I say, It is worth fighting for and I think you will do great! It wan't be long now. Get ready for the roller coaster. It will be one heck of a ride.
Hugs and best wishes to you on the rest of your journey
Debbie Moya
Dr. Baker
Hey Glenn,
I saw a post that you made saying that Springdale wasn't doing the surgery anymore??/ Is this correct..I hope they are cause I've got 2 more hoops to jump through and I can be approved by insurance. I hate to think I've done all this for nothing.. I've placed a lot of hope in this tool and I'd hate to think it's been taken away. Please let me know what you've heard.
Stone and Sea are deep in life;
Two unalterable symbols of the world;
Permanence at rest and permanence in motion;
Participants in the Power that remains.