Home and doing ok......
Hi All.
I am home and doing ok. Still pretty short of breath at times though. Thank you all so very much for your well wishes and prayers. Down 10# so far since surgery.
I am feeling good in general. No problems other then coping with the nasty pureed protein diet I have to be on. Thankfully, I can have a scrambled egg or protein shake to break things up some. The protein shakes fill my pouch really quick though so they take a long time to get down then I feel uncomfortably full for a while.
Cindy N.

Your lucky, I didn't even get to eat puree food untill I was about 3 weeks out. And I couldn't do Protien shakes at all. They made me sick as a dog. I'm glad you can drink them they are good for you. I couldn't eat scrambled eggs either, My surgeon wouldn't let me. I'm very happy everything turned out so well!! Get out that belt for those pants your going to need it.
Hugs Debbie Moya
Dr. Baker