Postpon again...
Well here we go again
. My poor Dr. is in the Hosp. And they are not sure when he is going to get out. He is have some problems.
I'm really worried about him. Becasue his health is just as inpotin as ours is. I hope he get to feeling better. Anyway they have ask Dr. Wellborn to do my surgery.
So if anyone out there can give me some info on this Dr. I don't know anything about him. So now I just have to wait for a date from there office. I hope that it is not to long, But I have waited this long. So really I can wait longer, just as long as I get to the loser side of life. Well will post more later and let everyone know what is going on... Thanks for listening to me...

I hate to hear that about your Surgeon. I know people who had there surgery done by Dr. Welburn. They said he is a very nice Dr. You stay on his office to get you a date. Don't wait for them to call you. There isn't anything wrong with calling there office and make them hurry and get your date.
Hugs Debbie Moya
Dr. Baker
Thanks for your post, and thatI'm doing is calling them. I'm sure that they are going to get tried of me calling. But o well lol. I just know that I want to be on the other side. I have waited so long, and I know that it is ok to wait alittle longer. But I would just like to jion the loser. Well I will post more later. And thanks again for your support Debbie. I need all that I can take on support. Also still looking for a Angle, if you know of any one please send my way. Thank again....