Hey Everybody! I am now 5 days post op and feeling really good. The trip home was not too bad. We made sure we stopped plenty. Dr. Ozment is the best ever. I truly feel my experience with him as my surgeon is the best surgery experience I have ever had. He is WONDERFUL!!! Judy and Madeline are really great too. The hospital staff, the Guesthouse lady and everyone were so nice. I was not nervous at all...I only cried once when my husband prayed over me before they wheeled me back. I almost did not get to leave the hospital on friday because I could not poot or poop. The doctor was still in the hospital when I started naming that tune if you know what I mean. Thank you Jesus...you really don't realize how important all that is. I will close for now, don't want to overdoo but, I just wanted to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts. I truly could feel all of it while I was there. Bye

Thank you Shelli, I feel great!!! Your were sooo right...Dr. Ozment and his staff were WONDERFUL! The only thing I regret is that I did not do this 10 years earlier. The only real problem I had was not being able to pass gass! TeeHee! Now I am pooting away. I know you are doing great. Hope you aren't picking up those baby's too much! How much have you lost? Write when you can...Your friend, Brenda
Bye Ps. I told everyone you said HEllo and they were glad to hear it.

Thank you Glen, the trip was really a piece of cake. We left Little Rock on friday night, made it to Texarkana, slept late and I was home around 7pm on saturday. This was all while stopping more that every 2 hours. I am doing great!!! How blessed I feel with all my family and friends support. Thank you again, your friend, Brenda