Any help for me?
Hi gals and guys I am Lindsie and I am new to the site! I love it though!!!! I am currently resaerching the surgery and I really want it more than anything!!! but I am unsure about my insurance! My husband has BCBS PPo through his employer and the benifits say it will pay up to 70% what does that mean anybody had any luck? I would Love all of your comments or suggestions!
It says they will pay up to 70%, that means they will pay up to 70% of what that allow. If they have a contract with a doc. and he is allowed a charge of $3000, they will pay 70%, while you pay the other 30%. Most require that you pay your % up front before they will do the surgery. The hosp. will usually file first and then bill you if you ins. co. has a contract with them. Good luck.

Are you saying that if my insurance company has a contract with the doctor, they are only allowed to charge my insurance company a certain amount? So where someone without ins may have to pay up to $20,000.00 for the surgery they will only charge my insurance say 4,000.00. Am I undrstanding correctly? Gosh I hope the answer is yes! ps good luck with your surgery and congratulations!
I have BCBS of California PPO and they approved my surgery without any major hitches. I don't know if BCBS of Ark is different in their rules.
Be sure you have your documentation all together before you send it in and call and check at least every other day to "see if there is anything you can do to help". I am using Dr. Baker in Little Rock, and his insurance person Christy was terrific in dealing with the insurance companies.
Good luck to you!
Joy (surgery 3/1)
Hi Lindsie,
I am new to this site too! I am post-op 5 months.
My insurance did not pay in full, but my Dr., Dr. Mark Gibbs, accepted whatever the insurance company would pay so there would be no expense to me. So far my surgery, Dr. visits and everything has cost me something like $56.00 total and I do not expect to have to pay anything else. Maybe my 6 month follow up might cost me a co-pay of $12.00. Maybe you can find a Doctor that will accept whatever the insurance will pay. Hope this helps.
Good Luck and let me know if there is anything I can help you with.