-170 pounds in Almost 9 mo.
I started out at 381 pounds NOW I am 211 pounds. I had surgery June 30, 2003 Not even 9 mo. yet
I am in a size 14/16 and feeling GREAT. I am wondering when will I stop loosing? I don't want to stop loosing but I know it will happen. I want to be anywhere from 160 - 180 pounds and I am 5 ft. 9 of course IF this is even possible for me who knows. But things seem to be a little slower but still going GREAT!

Way to go! You are doing fantastic!
My aunt was telling me that she knew someone in Newport that had this surgery done.
Do you know TS and Peggy Stephens? I am originally from Newport but didn't grow up there. Just born there a longggggg time ago but still have family there. Keep us posted. I am scheduled for surgery April 27th here in Springdale!