Sleeping through the night??
Hi everyone;
I'm now 10 days post op and I'm still not sleeping through the night. I sleep for 2 hours, wake up, eat a few crackers and change positions. Then I sleep for another 2 - 3 hours and that's it for the night. Prior to surgery I was an 8 hour/night person. Period. Now I'm fighting for every minute at night. It's fine for now, but I go back to work next week and I don't want to be run into the ground by my schedule. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it typical? How long does it last?

It took me about 2 weeks. Once I could comfortable rolling over I was fine. Before that I would get up and go sleep in another room--chair, couch or whatever to get comfortable again. I've heard of others saying about the same. Hang in there it will get better! (Probably within the next week or so)
Joy (3/1)