Home and hanging in
Hello everyone!
I'm now 8 days post-op and finally my husband said today "Baby, you look a lot better." He's right. I feel better too. I'm still not 100% settled with eating and I'm easily upset, but considering the invasiveness of this procedure on my body, I'd say that I'm doing pretty well.
I just wanted to stop in and say thanks to everyone for your well-wishes. It made things a lot better.
Cheryl On-the-losing-side-and-in-awe!

Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm scheduled for April 28th and it is suppose to be lap. I sure hope so because after having gall bladder where they cut me about 10" or so, I don't think I could handled pain like that again. And the doctor did tell me it would be very similar.
Keep us posted and may God heal you quickly and give you comfort!
Glenn Gay

Congratulations on getting your date Glenn! I was supposed to be a lap patient, but a screw up in the booking made it an open procedure. I envy that you'll be a lap patient. I have friends who have had the procedure lap and they said that the absolute worst part was getting rid of the excess gas. My Dr. said that the recovery is a lot smoother lap as well.
Use the pain meds and Walk, walk, walk. Pray and have a lot of support. Those are the things that have gotten me through.
Thank you so much for your prayers. I'll be thinkin' of ya.