WLS Seminar at NW Regional
Last night I attended the WLS seminar held at the NW Medical Center in Springdale. There were 3 patients there who had the RNY surgery in Little Rock in a time frame from 8 weeks to 2 years, the Bariatric staff from the hospital, the 3 doctors that are doing the surgery in Springdale, and 3 prospective patients and their family. It was very informative and interesting. I came away very uplifted and excited and eager to get started. This morning I completed all the paperwork and called Holly at the hospital only to be told that I was 1 year too old for the criteria they had set.
Maybe in 6 months after they a few surgeries under their belt they will review the criteria and change the age limit, that now being 55. She will call should they do that.
So good luck to all of you who have been thru the surgery and God bless you all who are waiting.
Glenn Gay
Springdale, AR

Age discrimination - don't I wi**** is just boundaries they had to set
when they set the program up. I am very disappointed but I have a lot of faith and had prayed that if this was in God's plan doors would open. They had up to that point. So I will wait for 6 months and then if the age changes I will reapply. I don't want to travel out of the area due to family obligations. Good luck to you in your venture to lose weight.
You are not too old to have surgery. I am 52 I had my surery oct 1 03 with doc Lambert in Batesville. I met a lady at doc Lamberts office yesterday who is in her sixties. You can go to Little Rock, Tulsa, or Batesville to have your surgery. You need to be careful of new programs. Someone who has a lot of experience is better. Please look into surgery elsewhere. If you are mordibly obese or super morbidly obese you dont need to waste any time. The sooner you have surgery the sooner you will get healty. My wife is having her surgery march 8 with doc Lambert in Batesville. I have lost 75 pounds so far.
Thanks for the comments. I would probably go to Tulsa if I went anywhere because it is only 1 1/2 hours from home but I probably won't travel to have the surgery due to family complications. Maybe in 6 months they will raise the age limit. Good luck with your weight loss and I will keep both you and your wife in my prayers.