Hello, all! I have a problem I am hoping someone can help me with.
I have a date scheduled for my first surgical consult with a Dr. John Lambert, of Batesville, Ar. on March 18th. The peoblem is that the primary I was seeing is very un-weight senstive, if not downright prejudiced against the obese. He refuses to give me the referral, saying I got myself into this mess (obesity), and can get myself out. *sigh*. So, I have started to try and find another doctor, but every time I mention to the nurse at whatever doctor's office that I call, that I am super morbidly obese and want to know if the doctor is weight sensitive, I get the run around. Lots of avoiding me, not returning calls, so on.
Can anyone refer me to a good, weight sensitive doctor in the Greenwood or Fort Smith area?
Also, has anyone had experience with Dr. Lambert?
The only doctor in the Fort Smith area that does bariatric surgery is Dr. Janes, and I have heard some horror stories about him.
Is Dr. Lambert any good?
Thank you so much!

Hang in there good things come to those who wait!
I don't know any doctors in your area, but I am going to have the surgery on the 25th of Feb., (Wed.) I am going throught the Bariatric Program with Dr. Kerry Ozment and have heard only wonderful things. I went to the seminar and it was wonderful!
I will give you there toll-free number and maybe they could help in some way. He has a wonderful staff and I am sure they will understand your dilemma!
I am soooo sorry that you have been treated that way, it is what inside that makes us the people that we are!
Don't give up and God bless!
The number is 1-800-982-3799
I used doc Lambert. I had my surgery oct 1 03. I was very high risk and my wls was very successful. My wife is having her wls on march 8 with doc Lambert. I highly reccommend doc Lambert and the White River Medical Center. The docs in Batesville are used to dealing with super morbidly obese people. A friend of mine was 427 pre op and has lost over 150 pounds.
Maybe you can use Doc Barnes in Batesville. He is an internal medicine doctor you will have to go to for a physical. He is very good also. Feel free to email me if you have further questions.