sleeping on my side!
I finally graduated to my couch last night. The bed is a major NO. I need the support of couch's back to help me sleep. But it is tough. My ribs are really sore from sleeping on the couch. But I have had enough of my back was killing me. I tried the couch Saturday night and got stuck. I had to wait for my husband to get up to get me off the couch. I got off the couch this morning by myself.
Sorry, no ideas on making it better. I would love to hear any ideas also.
The first week I stayed with my mom. She had a hospital bed.
*think God*. Any way I had gotten to the point I had to try and sleep on my side so the first way I tried it was setting up a little at an angel, And my next step the next night was putting my berrie Bear that I got from this site kind of under my side just a little for support, and a pillow agianst my back side. the next time I used my bear again and I rolled a little bit more over on my side with the pillow wedged against my back and now I can sleep on my side it is a little uncomfortable, since I had to come home with a tube in my bellie. But as long a the pillow is against my back I do fine.
Hope this helps Debbie Moya
I have been sleeping on my sides even in the hospital. I just cant sleep on my back. I think when we get our staples out it will be easier. The staples bug me. I just move very slowly to get in a comfortable position then I cover my belly with a pillow, kind of in a fetal position. Then I am comfortable.
seems like everyone that had this last week is answering these
that is great
i have slept in my chair. most of the time
one night about three days after i got home i acually slept in my bed for three hours. that was an acomplishment
i sleep on my side when i do lay down. i put a pillow behind my back... one under the front side.... and two under my head. that seems to be the only way i can do it.... and when i move..... i hold my belly cuz it takes thirty seconds longer to get around then the rest of my body... moaning the whole time i get to my back, sleep that way a few hours and go back to my side. it takes me a minute.......
i done this last night (tuesday night) slept in the bed all night long and slept good.... im doing pretty good i guess
im walkking normal feeling pretty normal can even sit with my legs crossed. i dont take pain pills unless i really really have to have one
its been three days now.... good luck everyone
God BLess
Karin C.
on 10/8/03 3:46 am
on 10/8/03 3:46 am
I found that if I put a pillow under my belly and behind my back that it was easier to sleep on my side. You might want to give that a try. I have always slept on my side, but have noticed that I sleep on my back more. I am just happy to be able to sleep in almost any position. - Karin