roll call---everyone ok???
We are ok. Just a lot of ice and a little bit of snow. Still got power. Didn't get out yesterday and not getting out today. But I really need to go to the store tomorrow. So we will see how it is come tomorrow. On the scanner they said the streets in town were slick, blac**** ya know. Not getting out on that stuff.
Everybody be safe if you have to get out!!
Everybody be safe if you have to get out!!
Here's the deal. Folks either did or didn't get to the store for their eggs, milk, and bread before the storm came. If they did, they've run out by now, or need other stuff that the didn't buy. If they didn't get there, they're REALLY going to need to get to the store tomorrow. Either way, I figure the stores will be packed with people stripping the shelves. Waiting until Monday won't be any better, since they won't have time to restock.
I'm planning on avoiding them at all costs. Staying in my jammies will keep me from being tempted to go out. There's my plan and I'm sticking with it.
I'm planning on avoiding them at all costs. Staying in my jammies will keep me from being tempted to go out. There's my plan and I'm sticking with it.
I know what you mean....I REALLY, REALLY don't want to go to the store. But what I'm after really ain't in the grocery section. Hubby has had diarrhea for two days now. So this morning I get up with it. Well didn't have much Immodium(sp?) to begin with, now down to one
I know that is TMI but I just thought it was funny....
I know that is TMI but I just thought it was funny....
