
can u please

on 9/18/09 9:30 am - marion, AR
take a minute to post how you have been this week as I am not posting the week in review....I know I slacked and missed 2 in a row. I am down with the flu like bug

Please do REMEMBER RHONDA, MIKE and COAL in your prayers. Losing an animal is like losing a dear friend.

Hope to see you all at the walk......


NANCY and I are fighting to see who can raise the most individually.....she has me beat as I dont really know anyone.......blah.....KUDOS  to NANCY!!!!

 5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(

on 9/18/09 10:51 pm - Alexander, AR

Rain, work, rain, work, repeat



on 9/19/09 2:16 pm
weight has been up and down between those 5 pounds, got excited that I  HIT THE 100 LB. MARK, THEN THE NEXT DAY WAS BACK UP THE 5 LBS...I DONT UNDERSTAND =(

Have been SUPER Busy with school trying to get through math for the 3rd time... Have not seen the exercise room for 2 weeks =( I did housesit for all last week and walked a trail down to the lake daily, and walked the pets and such, and parked a mile away from school, so I have been somewhat active... I am SUPER DUPER EXCITED For the walk on Saturday.... Oh and I'm getting a new Blackberry cell phone (HAHAHAHA Typical teenager to get excited about things like that).... That's my weak in review (spelling in weak intentional) I have been a failure this week it seems... I am changing that this week and so on!!!! See you on Saturday... Please come and tell me everything will be ok... I need your SUPPORT =) Love yah all

♥ Courtney Coleman †

on 9/20/09 1:53 am - East Camden, AR

Hey!  I'm here!  Been goofin' off lately.  At home today trying to get some housework done.  My hubby  (Mark) is out mowing right now, trying to get it done before some more rain sets in~it's lookin as if it might any minute.  If he doesn't get it done we'll have to find someone to bale hay.  I'm gonna get out there and trim he hedges as Mark doesn't like to do that too well. 

Work is hectic, but makes the days go faster. I work for one of the DOD (Dept of Defense) contractors in the "area", as an inventory manager.  We supposedly work 4, 10 hour days, but they usually turn into 11.5 hour to 12 hour days and a little on Friday too, plus I have a class on Tuesday nights. 

Wow!  You're 39, Rhonda's 35, I'm 37.  We're close!!!

Gettin' ready to go to the walk!!  looking forward to seeing everyone.


Love ya's


