Thursday what's new review & Starbuck's Friday
My exercise today it to mow the back yard before it starts raining. The weather guys say it's going to rain all weekend. Of course....Salt Bowl tomorrow night, Razorback game Saturday (and more importantly, our 27th anniversary) and then more rain on Sun/Mon. So much for the long least it's not BLAZING hot as usual!

Next Thursday morning I leave for four days in Dallas with 18 women from the OH Over 50 Forum. They are coming from all over the country, with wonderful stories of success and challenges. Hopefully I'll have some pics to share when I come back. Maybe someday we could do this on a smaller scale here in AR???
Okay, gotta go. Hope you all have a marvelous weekend, rain or shine!
I haven't posted in several days....been real busy at work.
I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am taking friday and tuesday off in addition to monday. I have to go for another fill on tuesday and since I have to go to Jacksonville, i decided to just take the whole day.
I really hope that this fill allows me to hit my sweet spot!
Gotta go. Have a wonderful weekend.
thought about coming to Bucks with y'all but its suck a long drive and will have me driving at night alone which I don't like. Maybe someday we could do lunch on a weekend or something. I feel left out

still no cokes....Sunday will be 2 weeks
no long weekend plans here. Just lazy slobs on the couch I guess....rain possibly here too.
I would cut the grass...Susan....but my other half is growing all kinds of mints and teas and my luck I would mow it over and he would take away my mowing privileges.....HAHAHA!!! I think I may mow if it means no more mowing when I run over the mint.
oh well.....everyone have a good Thursday.....I am going to nap for a bit
5ft0....sw 233,lw 133,gw 135,cw 193..........
I am not doing so good in this part of my journey...9 yrs later. :-(
Wow, that sounds like a great trip!! I just know you are going to have all kinds of fun. Do take pictures and share. But please behave, we don't want no mug shot pics from some Dallas police department. So you girls keep it tame down there.
I signed me and the hubby up for the walk yesterday. So we will be there with bells on....well maybe not bells, but our walking shoes for
Looks like a rainy weekend. We were going to go camping this weekend, but we decided not to. Not much fun if you have to sit in the camper all weekend. Been there, done that, not fun.
Everyone have a wonderful day. As for me, doing laundry :(
wanted to go camping... but won't go alone. Oh well... something will turn up, if not, I'll just go to work and save my vacation days.
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!